
The last parts of civilization before the forest takes everything. Here the Urukin have lived for generations, living off the forest and in fear of the ruins it contains and the forest itself.
— Necur Scribe
Similar to how Croterfyn is the eastern edge of Marlun, Seilrean is the eastern edge of Narzuvim. The small town with a population of 1361 is the last settlement before the known ends and the unknown begins. While people have scouted outwards and into the Galati Forest, it is a hostile and unwelcoming place with mystical ruins and hostile wildlife and flora that makes any journey dangerous. Even the native Urukin tends to stay out of the deeper forest, where Seilrean is already a bit too close for many.


Most of the people living in Seilrean are Urukins, with 964 living in the town. The remaining 397 are Necurs and Salendites. Many of the latter are descendants of immigrants escaping the Murkey Plague that devastated Galduri and Rhymia.
231 Urukin work as fishermen and clamdiggers by the riverside. A mix of every race works the fields of barley and wheat that grow on the fields on the western banks of the river. Also on the western side of the river are the hen and rabbit keepers that supply the town with meat. Foresters, the few brave twelve Urukin and Salendites, keep the forest at bay and additionally work as charcoal burners. There is a local establishment for explorers with seven Urukin, Salendites and Necur organising the exploration on behalf of the King of Nekuram.


We have lived here lone for many comings. No aristocrat or those who think themselves above us rule here. They don't even dare to... even before the Disease.
— Urukin elder in Seilrean
The town is ordinarily ruled by the appointed governor of Galdurmia but his influence doesn't come close to Seilrean's borders. The town governs on its own with an elected body of elders amongst the Urukin. Laws, while obeying the governor's order, are executed by this council of elders through the appointed bailiff similar to how aristocrats or nobility would do.

Defences against Galati Forest

The wooden palisades and walls that extend around the town are there for other reasons than bandits or hostile foreigners. The town's location as the furthest point inside the Galati Forest makes it a target for wildlife. Giant Green Wolfs, preying birds and poisonous hounds are a few of the dangers that can suddenly attack at night and even during the day. Rumours of the forest itself striking with wooden branches and magical phenomena are common coming from the area.
It is harsh living but we have been here for centuries and adapted. The Duri has not been able to force us out yet, and we will see to it that they won't. Living or not, this is my home, I would hate to leave it because some trees can cast magic.
— Urukin Elder
Location under
Owning Organization

Explore Nimenra

Galati Forest
Geographic Location | Jul 9, 2023
Settlement | Jul 6, 2022

A forgotten part of the past...

Cover image: Galati Forest by A of Worldkeymaster (Artbreeder)


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