Bantrids Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Bantrids are a unique species with a distinctive anatomy and culture. Their spherical lower halves and stout, tapered upper torsos with sensory organs located in the middle give them a peculiar appearance. The thin fingers on their large, flat hands aid them in manipulating objects and tools.   Their culture revolves around motion, and they cannot stand still for too long without experiencing overwhelming dread. Bantrids have no sense of smell, and their teeth are solely for chewing fruits and nuts. They reproduce via budding, which takes about 5 months for their offspring to be able to move on their own.   Bantrids are curious and eager to learn about other species and the galaxy they find themselves in. However, their impulsiveness often leads them into situations they do not fully understand. They are adaptable and easily move on from situations or individuals who do not accept them.   Despite their peculiar appearance and culture, many species find bantrids endearing and happily bring them into their businesses or starship crews. Bantrids' unique attributes and behaviors make them a valuable addition to any community or organization.
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