Brogir Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Brogir is an earth-sized gas giant that orbits around the star Holar. It is a stunning sight to behold, with swirling bands of clouds and a spectacular ring system that encircles the planet. Brogir's rings are made up of millions of individual particles of ice and rock, and they create a dazzling display that can be seen from across the Holar system.   Brogir has a single large moon that orbits around the planet at a distance that is closer than most gas giants in the Holar system. This moon, named Broll, is covered in icy volcanoes and has a thick atmosphere that is rich in nitrogen and methane.   Despite its beauty, Brogir is a planet that is plagued by a temporal anomaly. Time on Brogir moves at a different pace than the rest of the Holar system. A day on Brogir can last for centuries in the rest of the system. This temporal anomaly makes it difficult to study the planet, as any equipment or probes sent to the planet are affected by the time distortion.   Brogir's unique properties have made it a subject of intense interest and speculation among scientists and explorers. Some believe that the planet's time distortion is caused by the presence of exotic matter or gravitational anomalies, while others speculate that it is a result of advanced technology left behind by a long-extinct alien race.  


  The climate of Brogir is largely dictated by its thick atmosphere, composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with traces of other gases. Its swirling bands of clouds are a result of complex atmospheric dynamics, driven by high-speed winds that circulate around the planet. These winds carry different chemicals and gases, creating a mesmerizing display of colors and patterns across Brogir's surface.   Brogir's atmosphere is relatively calm compared to other gas giants. The lack of violent storms and turbulent weather patterns is attributed to its unique temporal anomaly, which affects the passage of time on the planet. A day on Brogir lasts for two centuries, creating a sense of perpetual calm and stillness. Beneath the thick layers of clouds lies a hidden world of swirling gases and turbulent currents, where exotic matter and gravitational anomalies may hold the key to understanding the planet's temporal distortion.   The presence of the temporal anomaly has made it difficult to study Brogir in detail. Any equipment or probes sent to the planet are subject to the effects of the time distortion, making accurate measurements and observations challenging.  

Notable Locations

The Tempraspher

  Above the atmospheric layers of Brogir lies a peculiar and perilous phenomenon known as the Temprasphere. This highly vacuum layer of atmosphere possesses a unique gravitational pull, drawing in objects that come into contact with it. However, the true danger lies in what lies beneath – a time dilation effect that engulfs anything that falls into its depths.   At first glance, the Temprasphere may appear as just another layer of Brogir's mesmerizing atmosphere. Yet, upon closer inspection, its ominous nature becomes apparent. Objects unfortunate enough to be pulled into the Temprasphere are subjected to a gradual descent, seemingly defying the laws of gravity. However, after falling a mere 20 feet, they become fully submerged in the time dilation effect, ensnared in a temporal abyss.   The effects of the time dilation within the Temprasphere are profound and unfathomable. Time itself becomes distorted, stretching and warping in unpredictable ways. What may feel like mere minutes within the Temprasphere could equate to years or even centuries in the outside world. Such a phenomenon presents a formidable challenge to explorers and researchers seeking to understand the mysteries of Brogir.  

The Planet Womb

  Nestled within the vast expanse of Brogir's swirling atmosphere lies a phenomenon of cosmic significance: The Planet Womb. This enigmatic location serves as the cradle for the birth of a new world, as asteroids and celestial debris become trapped within its gravitational embrace, gradually accumulating over time.   The Planet Womb is a testament to the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of celestial bodies within the cosmos. Here, amidst the swirling clouds and turbulent winds of Brogir, a process of planetary formation is underway, as countless asteroids and rocky fragments converge and coalesce.   Scientists have observed the gradual accumulation of material within the Planet Womb, estimating that in a thousand years, there will be enough mass to form a new planet within the heart of Brogir. This impending birth heralds the eventual demise of the old gas giant, as the new planet emerges from its cosmic womb, reshaping the landscape of the Holar system.   The significance of the Planet Womb extends far beyond the boundaries of Brogir. It represents a rare glimpse into the mechanisms of planetary formation, offering valuable insights into the origins and evolution of celestial bodies within the universe. Its discovery has captivated the imaginations of scientists and astronomers, fueling speculation and debate about the nature of planetary birth and the fate of gas giants like Brogir.   As the Planet Womb continues to grow and evolve, it serves as a symbol of the perpetual cycle of creation and destruction that shapes the cosmos. Its emergence promises to usher in a new era in the history of the Holar system, as the old gives way to the new, and the mysteries of the universe continue to unfold before our eyes.  

Old Wisdom

  Hovering ominously above the swirling clouds of Brogir is the satellite known as Old Wisdom. Initially intended for scientific exploration or communication, this satellite has been repurposed into a grim instrument of punishment and disposal.   Old Wisdom serves as a cruel and unforgiving execution device, where dangerous criminals and unwanted refuse are dispatched with ruthless efficiency. Those deemed too dangerous or troublesome for conventional imprisonment are sentenced to be jettisoned into the depths of Brogir's time dilation, a fate considered by many to be worse than death.   The satellite's orbit allows it to hover perilously close to the boundaries of Brogir's atmosphere, where the effects of the time dilation are most pronounced. Once ejected from Old Wisdom, condemned individuals and discarded materials are drawn inexorably towards the planet below, where they become ensnared in the temporal abyss, their fates sealed by the relentless passage of time.
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Diameter: x 1   Mass: x .1   Gravity: x .1   Atmosphere: x2   Day: 200 Years   Year: x 25.8   Satellites One moon


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