Dromada Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Dromadas are members of a bipedal mammalian species that average 5 feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds.   Their powerful unguligrade legs end in long, hooved toes, while their shorter forelimbs include strong dewclaws and fingers that allow the manipulation of tools. Long necks end in drooped heads, atop which stubby eyestalks allow their eyes to move independently, giving dromadas a wide field of vision. They have soft, fine fur that can be various shades of red or brown.   Having spent most of their history as the most populous and preferred prey animal for their home world’s numerous large carnivores, the dromadas’ presapient ancestors formed tightly knit herds to keep safe. The skittish creatures reacted to danger first by emitting a deep moan that would alert the entire herd, then bolt for safety in huge stampedes. As they gradually learned to use tools, communicate with spoken language, and develop more advanced technology, dromadas retained these behaviors, which continue to serve them well even as they join the galactic community.   The Dromada are a deeply spiritual species, and believe that their survival in the unforgiving landscapes they inhabit is due to the guidance of their ancestors. They are also known for their exceptional skills at avoiding danger, and use their speed and stealth to track and avoid predation.   Despite their fierce reputation, the Dromada are a fiercely egalitarian society, with no central leadership or hierarchy. They live in small, tight-knit communities, and make decisions through consensus.   The Dromada possess a unique ability to store water within their bodies, allowing them to survive for extended periods of time without access to water sources. They are also able to communicate over long distances through a series of yips and howls, which can carry for miles across the desert.   Due to their nomadic lifestyle, the Dromada have developed a rich and complex culture, which emphasizes storytelling and communal celebration. They are deeply respectful of the natural world, and view the desert as a sacred space which must be protected and preserved.

Ethnicity Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and one other ability score increases by 1.   Size and Type Your a Medium sized Beast.   Speed Your base walking speed is 40 feet.   Alert the Herd Once per day at the beginning of a combat in which it isn’t surprised, a dromada can emit a deep moan that alerts its herd to nearby danger, granting allies within 50 feet who can hear it a +5 morale bonus to their initiative checks for that combat.   Dark Vision Dromadas have darkvision with a range of 60 feet   Languages You can speak, read, and write Dromada, and one other language of your choice.
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