Leia Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Leia is a gas giant planet, similar in size and composition to Jupiter. It has a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium, with bands of clouds that swirl around the planet's equator. The planet is located far from its star, and its temperature is extremely cold, averaging around -170 degrees Celsius.   Leia has two moons, which orbit the planet at a distance of approximately 300,000 kilometers. The larger of the two moons, named Aldera, has a diameter of approximately 3,000 kilometers and is rocky and icy in composition. It has a thin atmosphere of nitrogen and methane, and is believed to have a subsurface ocean of liquid water.   The smaller of the two moons, named Vargan, has a diameter of approximately 1,500 kilometers and is rocky and barren in composition. It has no atmosphere and is covered in craters and other impact features.   Deep beneath the gas lies a small ocean covering the planet core.  


  The vast expanse of Leia's atmosphere dominates its geography, characterized by swirling bands of clouds that encircle the planet's equator. These atmospheric bands, tinted with hues of various colors, mark the dynamic weather systems that perpetually dance across Leia's surface.   Beneath this thick veil of gases lies a complex and turbulent world. Deep within the planet, immense pressures and temperatures shape layers of metallic hydrogen and other exotic materials. These layers transition gradually into a dense, churning core, where temperatures soar to unimaginable levels.   Despite Leia's frigid exterior, its depths harbor a hidden realm—a small, enigmatic ocean enveloping the planet's core. This subterranean sea, cloaked in darkness and mystery, remains largely unexplored, its depths concealing untold secrets waiting to be unveiled.   From the highest reaches of its atmosphere to the depths of its core, Leia's geography is a testament to the ceaseless forces at play within this majestic gas giant. Each layer holds its own story, waiting to be deciphered by intrepid explorers seeking to unravel the mysteries of this distant world.  


  Corporate outposts make up civilizations that thrive amidst the tumultuous skies of Leia, guided by the iron grip of a corporate monarchy. Here, power and influence are not inherited but earned through ruthless ambition and shrewd business acumen. The city's society is structured akin to a business hierarchy, with individuals ascending through the ranks based on their ability to generate profit and further the interests of the ruling corporations.   At the apex of this hierarchy sits the ruling elite, a select few who control the vast resources and industries that drive their economy. Beneath them, a tiered caste system dictates the social standing of the city's inhabitants, with those at the bottom relegated to menial labor and servitude while those at the top enjoy lavish wealth and privilege.   However, amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling markets, a formidable adversary looms—the World Lung. This colossal super-storm, with its raging winds and violent tempests, poses a constant threat to communication and trade with the outside world. The storm's ferocity disrupts transmission signals and navigation systems, making it difficult for Roan Station to maintain contact with off-world allies and partners.   Despite its strategic location within the territory of the Eco Shield Union, Leia's population finds itself vulnerable and exposed to the dangers of the World Lung. The hazardous conditions of Leia's atmosphere render the city ineligible for the protection of the Union's eco-shields, leaving its inhabitants to fend for themselves against the wrath of the storm.  

Notable Locations

Sargosa Minor

  Deep within the heart of Leia, lies Sargosa Minor, an ocean that envelops the planet's core. This subterranean sea, hidden beneath layers of swirling gases and turbulent storms, remains one of the least understood features of the gas giant.   Sargosa Minor is a realm of darkness and silence, where immense pressures and temperatures create an environment hostile to all but the most resilient forms of life. Despite its inhospitable conditions, this ocean is believed to harbor unique ecosystems and geological formations, shaped by the unfathomable forces at play within Leia's core.   The waters of Sargosa Minor are thought to be rich in exotic minerals and compounds, some of which may hold the key to unlocking new frontiers in science and technology. However, the extreme depths and pressures make exploration and extraction a daunting task, limiting our understanding of this hidden ocean.  

Roan Station

  Roan Station emerges from the turbulent skies of Leia as a sprawling metropolis, a testament to human ingenuity and corporate ambition. Floating high above the swirling clouds, this city of steel and glass is a beacon of civilization amidst the inhospitable expanse of the gas giant's atmosphere.   Home to a population of five million inhabitants, Roan Station bustles with activity around the clock. Towering skyscrapers, adorned with neon lights and holographic displays, pierce the clouds, housing the headquarters of powerful corporations vying for control over Leia's vast resources.   At the heart of Roan Station lies the Gas Harvesting District, a labyrinthine network of platforms and facilities dedicated to the extraction and refinement of valuable gases from Leia's atmosphere. Teams of workers toil tirelessly amidst the hiss of pressurized pipelines and the roar of machinery, extracting precious resources that fuel the engines of interstellar commerce.   Beyond its role as a hub for gas harvesting, Roan Station is a center of corporate operations, housing offices, research facilities, and trading exchanges catering to the needs of corporations from across the galaxy. Here, deals worth fortunes are brokered in the shadowy boardrooms of corporate skyscrapers, where power and influence are currency.  

The World Lung

  Visible from afar as one approaches the gas giant Leia, a menacing phenomenon dominates the planet's atmosphere—the World Lung. This colossal super-storm stretches across vast expanses of sky, its swirling vortex of dark clouds and fierce winds creating an ominous barrier to those who dare to approach.   Named for the suffocating grip it holds over Leia, the World Lung is a tempest of unparalleled ferocity, a relentless force that rages perpetually across the gas giant's surface. Its howling winds whip up towering cyclones and thunderous lightning strikes, casting an eerie glow across the turbulent skies.   To those who venture near, the World Lung is a terrifying spectacle, a reminder of the unyielding power of nature in the depths of space. Ships that stray too close risk being torn apart by the storm's fury, their crews consumed by the swirling chaos that reigns within.   Yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a narrow corridor—a treacherous path through the storm's heart, known as the Eye of the Lung. This eerie calm offers the only passage to the depths of Leia's inner ocean, Sargosa Minor, a realm shrouded in darkness and mystery.
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Diameter: x 11   Mass: x 20   Gravity: x .17   Atmosphere: x3   Day: 9.9 hours   Year: x 19.13   Satellites Two moons


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