Goblinkin Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


In a science fiction setting, goblins are a highly aggressive and carnivorous species, known for their crude and ramshackle technology. They possess sharp teeth and claws, as well as a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to track and hunt prey.   The goblins are a highly nomadic species, moving across barren planets and scavenging for resources wherever they can find them. They are known for their crude and improvised weapons, such as sharpened rocks and rusty metal scraps, which they use to take down their prey.   Despite their crude technological level, the goblins are highly adaptable and inventive, able to improvise and innovate with whatever resources they have available. They are also highly territorial, fiercely defending their hunting grounds and resources from other species.   The goblins possess a highly developed social hierarchy, with the strongest and most aggressive individuals rising to the top. They communicate through crude grammatical butcherings of the prevalent language in their area.   Despite their aggressive and predatory nature, the goblins have a complex mythology and belief system. A strange psionic luck phenomenon circulates them. When a collective believes something to be true in its entirety, it has a chance of becoming true. A fact that scares many who encounter it. With that in mind it usually only pertains to things like red goes faster, and this machine will work.   The hobgoblin variant of the goblin species is a larger and more imposing version of their smaller cousins. They possess greater intelligence and cunning, allowing them to craft more advanced weaponry and plan elaborate tactics in battle. Hobgoblins are often organized into military-style units, with strict hierarchies and a focus on discipline and strategy. While they possess a higher intelligence it is with great fortune for the galaxy that they do not possess the same thought form psionic abilities as their smaller kin.   Overall, the goblins are a highly dangerous and unpredictable species, capable of great violence and aggression. Their crude and improvised technology, coupled with their highly developed hunting and tracking abilities, make them a formidable force in the galaxy.


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