New Earth Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

New Earth

New Earth is a planet located in the Ninurta Galaxy, which served as the second home for humanity after they arrived in the galaxy. The planet was initially a barren, lifeless world, but over time, humans transformed it into a bustling ecumenopolis, complete with towering skyscrapers, sprawling cityscapes, and advanced technological infrastructure.   However, after a thousand years of development, the planet became increasingly polluted and overpopulated, with the once-beautiful landscape now a wasteland of concrete and steel. The air was thick with smog, and the waterways were toxic, making it difficult for any life to thrive on the planet.   Despite efforts to address the growing environmental problems, the situation on New Earth became unsustainable, and eventually, humans were forced to abandon the planet, leaving it to its fate. Now, New Earth remains a deserted, polluted world, a testament to humanity's ambition and their ultimate failure to balance progress with the needs of the environment.   The few who venture to New Earth now do so at their own risk, as the planet's abandoned infrastructure and toxic environment pose numerous hazards. Yet, some still hold out hope that someday, humanity will return to this once-great planet and restore it to its former glory.   Near by in the orbit of the same star lies the ancient monolith of Virgo, a strange site with countless unidentified human bodies locked in cryogenic stasis.
Location under
Diameter: x 1   Mass: x 1   Gravity: x 1   Atmosphere: x 1   Day: 24 Hours   Year: x 1   Satellites One moon


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