Star Base Schade Settlement in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

Star Base Schade

Star Base Schade is a colossal vessel that looms ominously in the vastness of space. Its sheer size is awe-inspiring, measuring a staggering 1000 kilometers in diameter. It was built with the purpose of reclaiming the human home world, New Earth, which had been lost to humanity for centuries.   Despite its impressive size and capabilities, however, Star Base Schade is currently in a precarious position. Stranded just out of reach of New Earth, the ship is now little more than a floating ghost town, with many of its systems offline and its remaining crew struggling to keep everything running. This condition was brought upon it when the Base was sabotaged by a now missing hero who had been bored the ship.   Despite the danger and uncertainty, however, the crew of Star Base Schade remains resolute. They know that they are the only hope for humanity's future, and they will do whatever it takes to reclaim their home world and ensure the survival of their species. And who knows, with a little luck and a lot of determination, they just might succeed.   First settlement Advantageous Position Recent Very Large Space, with artificial forest regions Unusable outside Managed Stewardship General Condition: Magnificent Districts 11 Fortified   Night activity 0 Population Wealth: Affluent -3 crime Law Enforcement: Extensive watch District Condition +2 Disposition +3 Crime: Dangerous +5 urban, completely secret   Trade Center: . Spacious- Leased . Overflow Banned   Undercity Ventilation   8 planets . Tara Ally Reservation . Ellisad Ally Trusted . Haven Ally Trusted . Rachis Ally Reservation . Xixi Enemy Friendly . Fala-fi Unknown . Cettish Enemy Friendly . Prior Unknown   Spy Network . Ample . Gathering general intelligence involving key stuff . Ample Counter intelligence Passing   Notable Visitors . Escaped Prisoner In need of help . Rulers Child Looking for fun . Soldier Paying a debt . Bard Visiting a Friend   Military Force . Standing . Conscripted . Strong size . Robust facilities   Nobility . Static by deeds 9 nobels
  • 1 support
  • 2 loved
  • 3 defended
  • 4 loved
  • 5 defended
  • 6 liked
  • 7 tolerated
  • 8 opposed
  • 9 rancorous
  • . Incredible relations . Positive opinion of leadership   Community . Self Improvement- moderate . Sparse   Populace . Traffic Groups . Neutral . Slow   All Districts are lightly guarded


    60% Human 15% Lashunta 15% Android 10% other


    The governing body is predominately military force out of the need for survival and conservation. The star base was originally intended to be a science lead outpost but over the course of construction and fending off a Vesk Culling operation the need for force quickly became apparent.


    The base is well defended with top of the line gear. It requires a full crew to operate effectively but when it does the base is a formidable force.

    Industry & Trade

    The base is a hub for trades amongst human, and allies of the Star Pact. They exchange goods and services of all variety. The diversity in trade means you can find almost anything but rarely at its peak quality. That being said the trade is controlled by law enforcement certain items are not available in public circulation.


    SCHADE is a fully self sustained space station that is capable of warp travel though doing so takes a toll on energy. The base is home to 5% of the known human population in the Ninurta Galaxy yet it is only at about 33% capacity.


    The base is composed of several different districts.
    • Bridge Admin
    • Research
    • Hydroponics
    • General
    • Docking Bay
    • Engineering
    • Trade
    • Diplomatic
    • Academics and Development
    • Lower Income
    • Weathly

    Points of interest

    • Academy
    • Alter
    • Amphitheater
    • Archives
    • Art shop
    • Baker
    • Barber
    • Bathhouse
    • Botanical shop
    • Bridge
    • Butcher
    • Carpenter
    • Chancery
    • Clothing
    • Club
    • Cobbler
    • Court
    • Dance Hall
    • Docks
    • Doctor
    • Doctor
    • Engineering
    • Engineering
    • Forum
    • Foundry
    • Furnishings
    • Gathering Hall
    • General Goods
    • General Goods
    • Hired Help Psionic
    • Hired Help Admins
    • Housing Low
    • Housing High
    • Hydroponics Lab
    • Inn
    • Inn
    • Inn
    • Leisure House
    • Lodge
    • Magic misc shop
    • Mech production
    • Mech shop
    • Misc shop
    • Rare Goods
    • Recreational
    • Recreational
    • Recreational
    • Research facility
    • School house
    • Shipwright
    • Smithy
    • Tavern
    • Tavern
    • Tavern
    • Town Hall
    • Treasury
    • Weapons
    • Weapons
    • Zoo
    Population 1,000,000/ 4,500,000
    Included Locations
    Owning Organization


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