Ryphorian Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Ryphorians are a unique and interesting species of humanoid beings with a trimorphic biology, meaning they have three different forms depending on the season in which they were born. They have evolved on their home planet, Triaxus, where the seasons are particularly harsh, and this has resulted in their bodies being well adapted to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh conditions.   Winterborn ryphorians have pale skin and light fur covering their bodies, which helps protect them from the subzero temperatures. They have narrow eyes to protect against snow blindness and are known for their long blonde, silver or white hair, which they often dye in bright colors to show their individuality. They also have large, pointed ears with feathered edges, which give them exceptional hearing, and prominent canine teeth that can protrude like fangs when they smile.   Summerborn ryphorians, on the other hand, have hairless bodies and dark skin tones, which protect them from the harsh rays of the sun. They have wide, dark eyes and are known for their colorful and intricate tattoos, which often cover their entire bodies. They are also known for their stamina and endurance, which is necessary to survive the scorching heat of their home planet.   Transitional ryphorians are born during the short periods between seasons when temperatures and weather are unpredictable. They have a combination of summerborn and winterborn traits, such as brown skin and patches of fur. They also have unique and unusual characteristics, markings, and fur coloration, which are sometimes considered deformities by some but rare beauty by others.   Despite their seasonal differences, ryphorians have a strong sense of community and are known for their adaptability and resilience. They are also deeply connected to magic and technology, which has allowed them to transcend their seasonal cycle and live comfortably anywhere in the galaxy. Ryphorians are a fascinating and complex species with a rich culture and history, and they continue to intrigue and captivate those who encounter them.
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