Castrovel Geographic Location in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


Castrovel is a world covered in dense jungles and rainforests, with a rich and diverse ecosystem of flora and fauna. Castrovel is a land of contrasts, with ancient ruins and technological wonders hidden deep in the jungle, and sprawling cities and spaceports dotting the planet's surface.   The planet's atmosphere is breathable, but its climate is warm and humid, with frequent rain and thunderstorms. The dense jungles and rainforests are home to a variety of creatures, from small insects and birds to large predators. The planet is also home to the dimorphic sentient species known as Lashunta.   The lush jungles of Castrovel are a rich source of natural resources, including exotic woods, medicinal plants, and rare minerals. The planet's flora and fauna are highly valued by biotech companies and other corporations, leading to conflicts between the planet's inhabitants and the interests of of world corporations.   Castrovel's skies are home to strange colored clouds do to unique collections of gasses, and minerals. Weather on this planet is considerably more intense than weather on earth.   Despite the challenges posed by the planet's environment and resource conflicts, the people of Castrovel have thrived. The lashunta, in particular, have developed a highly advanced society that values knowledge, art, and science. They have built cities that blend seamlessly with the natural environment, and have developed advanced technologies that allow them to harness the power of the planet's resources without damaging its delicate ecosystem.   The Lashunta have also formed alliances with other sentient species on the system, such as the humans and Kasatha, to promote peace and cooperation. However, tensions still exist between the various factions and interest groups on the planet, and conflicts can arise over issues such as resource allocation and cultural differences.


Castrovel's environment is characterized by a warm and humid climate that significantly shapes its ecosystem. The frequent rain and thunderstorms associated with this climate contribute to the planet's fertility, fostering the growth of lush jungles and rainforests. The atmosphere, enriched with a unique collection of gases and minerals, not only gives rise to strange-colored clouds in the sky but also influences the planet's weather patterns. These atmospheric elements play a crucial role in creating the vibrant and dynamic nature of the environment. Despite weather conditions being more intense than on Earth, with frequent storms and rainfall, this contributes essential nutrients to the soil, supporting a diverse array of plant life and establishing a rich ecological balance within Castrovel's intricate ecosystem.

Fauna & Flora

The interaction between flora and fauna on Castrovel is a testament to its rich biodiversity. The jungles and rainforests of the planet teem with life, showcasing exotic plant species that range from towering trees to bioluminescent flora, creating a visually stunning landscape. This diverse environment supports various animals, from small insects to large predators, allowing them to thrive in this lush habitat. The intricate web of life is woven through symbiotic relationships, where many organisms engage in mutual dependencies. Certain plants rely on specific insects for pollination, while some animals have evolved to depend on particular plant species for both sustenance and shelter. These symbiotic connections contribute significantly to the overall balance and sustainability of Castrovel's ecosystem. Additionally, both flora and fauna have evolved unique adaptations to navigate the dense jungles, incorporating camouflaged patterns, mimicry, and specialized behaviors that enhance their ability to thrive in this complex environment and evade predators.


  • Castrovel
    The Lashunta home world of Castrovel.
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Diameter: x 1   Mass: x 1   Gravity: x 1   Atmosphere: x 1   Day: 24 Hours   Year: 300 Days   Satellites One moon


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