Shobhad Ethnicity in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil


The Shobhad are a towering and proud warrior species known for their martial expertise and unbreakable codes of honor. They are self-sufficient and can construct their own weapons, making them highly sought after as guides, hunters, and mercenaries. Despite living in the planet's harsh hills and canyons, some Shobhad have embraced the modern world and joined mercenary companies that blend ancestral traditions with the needs of modern military freelancers.   Their code of honor is paramount to the Shobhad, and they consider breaking one's word or clan law to be a fate worse than death. They believe that everyone should be strong enough to protect themselves and that overt aggression is not a fault, but rather a fact of life. While they may raid neighboring clans and corporate convoys for supplies, they do not take the laws of city folk seriously unless they have agreed to them.   Shobhad warriors are trained from preadolescence to fight, and by the age of 20, they are considered full adults capable of defending their clan and honor. They stand 12 feet tall and weigh 500 pounds, and most Shobhad who do not die in battle live to between 90 and 120 years of age.   While the Shobhad only rarely establish permanent settlements, they may wander thousands of miles of open desert, their territory overlapping with that of other clans or species with very few disputes. Some Shobhad have even traded their caravans for starships, embracing the insatiable wanderlust that some of them possess. With their expertise in warfare, there is always steady mercenary work for Shobhad iconoclasts willing to travel, and they can often be found working for corporations or groups like the Starfinder Society.
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