
By Tanajin's guiding light!
— common saying among Gnomes
  Tanajin is the main God of the Ilbon religion. To his followers he is seen as both the father of the Gnomes and the one who breathed life into the Dragons. Many of his direct underlings were Dragons and some of the Dragons are said to be ancestors of currently ruling Dragons in Oneraga.

His domains are wisdom, trade and crafmanship and many artisans make frequent sacrifices to the god to get divine inspiration. After Magicfall he was believed to be the only god who remained on Niorath. According to the Divine Golem, however he died during a fierce battle with the Selefer, returning to the Nervonia, the realm of the gods.   Recently it was, however, discovered that he did survive although in a different form.  




  According to Ilbon mythology Tanajin was made from a great yellow crystal that the god Erinaga brought with him from Nervonia. Erinaga then gave him the task to make something himself from a great blue crystal, curious to see what he would do. After many days and many nights Tanajin had created the first Dragon, Seeria.   These two new gods created several new gods and created the Gnome and Dragon species from their hairs and scales. These would later become the Ilbon Pantheon. However, after Magicfall only Tanajin remained on Niorath. He searched a long time for survivors of the cataclysmic event. Along his travels he took care of any Gnomes he found and their numbers grew. He travelled until he reached a large floating crystal formation where Tanajin noticed five mourning Dragons. The Dragons told him they were children of Seeria and that this was her body.   Only Tanajin remained behind in Niorath and searched a long time for survivors. He gathered all the Gnomes he found along the way and took them along. They travelled the world until they arrived at the a large floating crystal formation where Tanajin noticed four mourning Dragons. The Dragons told him they were children of Seeria and that this was her body.  


  In his true form Tanajin looks like a Gnome in proportions but is actually much larger than humanoids just as any other god. He is always bathed in a yellow glow partially emitted from his armor but also from his glowing eyes.   When needed he can produce a pair of mechanical wings from his back that allow him to fly without issue.    
Tanajin Humanoid Form by Kefkejaco with Heroforge

Additional Information

Formed from a yellow crystal by Erinaga
Presented Sex
Large Gnome in appearance with yellow glowing eyes and armor
His domains are wisdom, trade and crafmanship




  Tanajin remained in Oneraga for a long time but eventually wanted to set out to explore. For this purpose he built the Divine Golem and crossed the ocean to Farlis with many other Gnomes. But once his people had been settled there for several centuries and became successful in the region the vile Selefer grew jealous.
Tanajin Fight by Kefkejaco with Heroforge
Snake Devil Fight by Kefkejaco with Heroforge
  A large war broke out between the two groups, the Selefer led by the Snake Devil Akishasho and the Gnomes by Tanajin. When Tanajin and Akishasho met on the battlefield the result was a catastrophy as Akishasho used Chaos Magic.   The event, known as the Stone Curse, killed everything in its path and created the Silent Forest in the process. Many thought Tanajin died this day as well and returned to Nervonia. However, recently it was discovered that he managed to survive through an Reincubator.

Recent History

  When a group of adventurers explored some Asmer ruins in western Terios they discovered that Tanajin was actually still alive. Within a Reincubator Tanajin was given a new biological body. Normally he would have chosen to get a new artificial body through Ascension . But when he lost his life during the battle of the Silent Forest here was no new artificial body available and he chose a body from a reincubator instead as a last resort.

What he had not anticipated was that the war was lost to such a degree that his followers were forced to leave the reincubator before he could awake. They had sealed the doors to the labratory hoping to be able to return soon. But his followers were never able to return as they were forced into the Lower Realms where they would perish several centuries later. And so Tanajin's body mutated over time into a groteque form, unable to leave the reincubator. He stayed there until the sealed door failed and he was found by a band of goblinoids and eventually a group of adventurers.

by kefkejaco with midjourney

Latest Events

  Currently there are rumors that the adventurers who found him have brought a new artificial body for him to achieve Ascension once more. Afterwards they would have joined him on an expedition to the Silent Forest to retrieve the Divine Golem.


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Aug 3, 2024 16:27 by Marjorie Ariel

I love this. I think of what went through his head when he woke to learn the fate of his people.

Aug 3, 2024 22:48

Thank you! Yeah that is not the kind of thing you would like to wake up to, especially when you know you are going to be stuck there for quite a while.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 13, 2024 21:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

What an interesting god. I feel so bad for him. I woner if he'll achieve ascension again.

Aug 23, 2024 10:50

He is a god that truly cares and it is sad that he ended up like that. Luckily he is still alive and perhaps can ascend once more at some point!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!