Bromund Harr

Baron of Kolmark

Bromund Harr was born in Tromdar in 1173, the first son of Falstaf Harr, the fourth baron of Kolmark, and his wife, the daughter of a wealthy merchant from Primstrek. From a young age, Bromund was trained in the art of war and leadership, and he proved to be a skilled warrior and a natural leader.
  In 1195, Bromund married a noblewoman from Tromdar. The couple had a son and two daughters. Bromund was a devoted husband and father, and he took great pride in his family's legacy.
  Upon his father's death in 1217, Bromund became the fifth baron of Kolmark.
  Despite his tough exterior, Bromund is also known to be fair and just, and he is deeply respected by the people of Kolmark. He is committed to upholding the traditions and values of the Kolmarkee people, and he takes his role as their leader very seriously.
Year of Birth
1173 8593 Years old
Ruled Locations