Falstaf Harr

Baron of Kolmark

Falstaf Harr was born in Tromdar in 1149, the second son of Halagg Harr. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in military strategy and diplomacy, and he spent much of his time studying the history and tactics of past battles.
When his father died in 1184, Falstaf inherited the title of Baron of Kolmark, since his elder brother Targund had already died. He quickly set to work strengthening the defenses of his territories and expanding the power of the barony. He was particularly focused on securing the northern borders of Kolmark, which had long been threatened by the Hajak barbarians of the Norkvest Tundra.
  In 1188, Falstaf reached a historic agreement with the leaders of the Hajak tribes, known as the Agreement of Varsgord. Under the terms of this agreement, the Kolmarkees granted the Hajaks the freedom to travel and hunt across the Norkvest Tundra, while the Hajaks promised to respect the boundaries of the Kolmarkee settlements and refrain from raiding or attacking the Kolmarkee people. This agreement marked a turning point in the relations between the two groups, and it paved the way for greater cooperation and trade between them.
  Falstaf married the daughter of a wealthy merchant from Primstrek in 1185, and the couple had two sons and two daughters. Despite his many responsibilities as the Baron of Kolmark, Falstaf was known to be a loving and attentive husband and father.
He died in 1217, after ruling Kolmark for over 30 years. He was remembered by his people as a wise and just leader, who worked tirelessly to protect and improve the lives of the Kolmarkee people.
1149 1217 68 years old
Place of Death