
A map of Tromdar in 1226.
  Tromdar is a coastal town, seat of the barony of Kolmark, located at the point where the Dorgar River flows into the Kalrak Sea.


Tromdar is home to a mix of human and non-human residents. The town is known for its bustling port and trade, and as such, it is a melting pot of different cultures and races. In addition to humans, Tromdar is also home to a significant number of dwarves and halflings, as well as smaller populations of other races such as elves and gnomes. Despite the diverse population, the town is relatively peaceful, with residents of all races living and working together harmoniously.


Tromdar is a feudal town ruled by Lord Harr, a member of a noble family that has held power in the town since the foundation of the barony in 1072. As the lord of the town, Lord Harr has ultimate authority over all aspects of life in Tromdar, including the administration of justice and the management of the town's resources. He is advised by a council of nobles and officials, who help him to govern the town and manage the affairs of the barony. The council is made up of representatives from the various town guilds and communities within Tromdar, and they are responsible for implementing the policies and decisions of Lord Harr.


Tromdar is protected by a set of town walls made of stones. The walls are punctuated by a number of towers, which offer vantage points for archers and other defenders to keep watch over the town. There are also two fortified entrances to the town, each guarded by a gatehouse with a heavy wooden door and a portcullis.
In addition to the town walls, Tromdar also has a castle, which serves as the home of the baron's family and as a center of government for the town. The castle is a relatively new structure built on the ruins of an ancient one.
The rocky coastline on which the town is built completes Tromdar's defence system.

Industry & Trade

Tromdar is a bustling town with a vibrant economy based on trade, manufacturing, and craftsmanship.
An important part of its economy are the shipyards where ships can be built, repaired, and outfitted for trade.
Around this industry revolve others, such as woodcarvers, rope-makers and weavers.
The town is home to several guilds of craftsmen. Among the most popular and renowned crafts are metalworking and gemstones from the region's mines. Overall, Tromdar is a thriving community with a diverse and dynamic economy.


The town has a number of docks and shipyards that serve as a hub for trade and transportation. The docks are busy places, with ships coming and going at all hours of the day and night, bringing goods from the rest of the region and from Calradia.
In addition, Tromdar also has a number of other important facilities, such as guilds headquarters, the dwarf embassy, the great temple and a watermill. The temple is a central gathering place for the town's residents, and it serves as a place of worship for people of many faiths.
Most buildings in Tromdar are two-stories tall, with the first story built out of stone and the upper story made of wood. The construction method is the typical kolmarkee one and helps to protect against the harsh coastal weather.

Guilds and Factions

Tromdar is home to many guilds of craftsmen: carpenters, weavers, woodcarvers, merchants, tailors, jewellers, masons.
In addition, there is also a guild of adventurers and one of mercenaries in the town.
The dwarf embassy is a political institution that is not particularly relevant but whose existence cannot be ignored.


As the most developed town in Kolmark and the only one without a predominantly agricultural population, Tromdar does not have the typical Kolmarkee village dwellings. Its buildings are somewhat reminiscent of the typical architecture of the region but represent a generally richer version of it.
Most buildings are two-stories tall, with the first story made out of stone and the upper story made of wood. The buildings have pitched roofs, with shingles or thatch covering the upper stories.
The town's streets are narrow and winding, with buildings built close together to save space.


The town is situated in a relatively flat region, with small woods of spruces scattered around it. The river and the sea are important features of the local landscape, and they play a central role in the town's economy and culture.
The coastline at this point is predominantly rocky and provides an important defensive advantage against those who would attack the city from the sea.


Tromdar is located in a temperate climate zone, with moderate temperatures and relatively mild weather. The town experiences four distinct seasons, with hot, humid summers and cold, snowy winters. Spring and fall are transitional seasons, with cooler temperatures and varying levels of precipitation. The Kalrak Sea helps to moderate the temperature, making the winters milder and the summers cooler than they are inland. The town is also subject to the occasional storm or hurricane, which can bring strong winds and heavy rainfall.

Natural Resources

The land around Tromdar is quite fertile, but most of the farms are located north of the city, along the banks of the Dorgar.
The spruce forests provide some wood for the intensive activity of the shipyards, but most of it is actually imported from other parts of the region.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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