Kolmarkee Rebirth

The Kolmarkee Rebirth is the celebration of the foundation of the barony of Kolmark.


The Kolmarkee Rebirth has been celebrated annually in the Barony of Kolmark since the founding of the barony in 1072. It marks the day that the Kingdom of Calradia granted the barony to the Harr family and the beginning of their rule over the region.
The celebration was originally a small, private affair held at the castle in Tromdar, but over time it has grown into a grand, public event that is celebrated throughout the barony.


The festivities are held in all Kolmarkee villages, but the main celebration takes place in the town of Tromdar. It typically begins with a parade through the streets of Tromdar, featuring floats and costumes representing different aspects of Kolmarkee culture and history.
The parade is followed by a series of speeches and performances, including music, dance, and theatre. There are also various games and contests held throughout the day, as well as food and drink stalls offering traditional Kolmarkee cuisine.
In the evening, a grand feast is held in the castle, attended by the baron and other members of the nobility, as well as important guests from Calradia and other parts of the kingdom.

Components and tools

The streets of Tromdar are filled with stalls and stages. The stalls offer a variety of food and drink, as well as handmade crafts. Many of the artisans and merchants in the town set up their own stalls to showcase their wares and sell them to the visitors. The stages feature performances by musicians, dancers, and other entertainers, who come from all over the region to take part in the celebrations. The temple square is transformed into a bustling marketplace, with people from all walks of life coming together to celebrate the anniversary.


The baron plays a central role in the festivities. He is typically accompanied by members of his family and advisors, and they take part in the various ceremonies and events that are held throughout the day. The baron is responsible for welcoming dignitaries from the Kingdom of Calradia and other political entities, and he gives speeches to the people of Tromdar, highlighting the achievements and progress of the barony.
The grand priest of the Great Temple of Tromdar also plays a prominent role in the celebration, leading prayers and blessings for the people of Kolmark.


The festival is held on the 14th of Fismond.
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