Agreement of Vargsgord

Diplomatic action


An agreement puts an end to decades of raids and war between the Hajaks and the Kolmarkees.

On the 6th of Wedmond, year 1188, Baron Falstaf Harr of Kolmark met with the leaders of the Hajak tribes in the town of Varsgord. The meeting, which became known as the Agreement of Varsgord, marked a significant moment in the history of Kolmark. Under the terms of the agreement, the Hajak tribes were granted the freedom to travel across the Norkvest Tundra north of the Cold Road and the Edrik's Forest. The Kolmarkees also agreed not to hunt or steal reindeer and not to build any new settlements in the tundra. In return, the Hajaks agreed to allow the Kolmarkee village of Varsgord to grow peacefully and to cease all hostilities against the Kolmarkees. The Agreement of Varsgord brought an end to decades of conflict between the Kolmarkees and the Hajak tribes and marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation and peaceful coexistence in Kolmark.

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History of Kolmark