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Aenna Madden

The daughter of the North Wind Aenna Freya Madden (a.k.a. Snowpaw, Nordwind, Wolfclaw, Showy)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Phasing: Aenna can phase in and out of wolf form. With practice and skill, one can morph faster and with more efficiency, with Aenna being the one exception, being able to phase in mid-jump, while it takes the rest of the pack several seconds to phase. Though phasing can be controlled, anger can easily cause the individual to phase by accident.   Regeneration: Aenna has a powerful regenerative healing factor. This allows her to heal at an abnormal rate, faster than any human being can. Small cuts and minor injuries heal within seconds while larger, more damaging injuries, such as broken bones, blood loss, and vampire venom infection seem to heal within minutes.   High Body Temperature: Shape-Shifters have a constant body temperature of about 110° degrees to withstand severe cold weather. This high body heat also allows them to survive in very hot weather, making it hard for their bodies to overheat. This high body temperature is very useful in combat, as it makes it extremely hard for vampires to harm them because they are extremely sensitive to heat. This temperature also prevents frequent illness, by killing any potential pathogens they come into contact with before they can become ill.   Telepathy: Only works within the pack, and when in wolf form. Aenna can speak with other members of her pack and other Shifters telepathically and hear their thoughts. Though this is more than useful while hunting and tracking.   Natural Enhancements: Aenna has superhuman strength in both wolf and human form, though she is at her peak only while in wolf form. In wolf form, she possesses supernatural speed, capable of running over 100 miles per hour. In human form she is notably faster than any human being, but still not nearly as fast as she is in her wolf form. In battle, she is very capable of handling her opponents. Aenna also has greater endurance than a human.   Claws and Fangs: Aenna has powerful claws and is able to cut through solid walls. Her fangs can tear human flesh and can rip out a human heart right out of their chest cavity. She is also able to transform just her claws without transforming fully.   Enhanced Agility: Aenna possessees enhanced speed and agility, far greater than any human. This enables her to perform leaps across incredible heights and distances, and even scale vertical surfaces. Her agility also allows her to easily and rapidly run, jump, sprint and climb.   Super Senses: Aenna possesses heightened, animal senses; akin to actual wolves, she is able to see with greater clarity than humans, even in darkness, and her senses of smell and hearing is also equally enhanced. She is also an excellent tracker; being capable of using her sense of smell to track targets.   Invulnerability: Aenna cannot be killed by most conventional means and weapons, however, certain supernatural weapons, as well as silver, can kill her. She can also be killed by methods decapitation, dismemberment, as well as certain supernatural beings.

Apparel & Accessories

white robe with gold patterns, gold battle skirt, gold knee armor, light blue belt with gold ends, thick cloak made of white fur, turquoise tunic

Specialized Equipment

Spell book, Sword of the North Wind

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

She is amiable, very caring, calm, clever, creative, empathetic, flexible, helpful, humble, knowledge, logical, loyal, many-sided, organized, very patient, playful, very protective, relaxed, reliable, respectful, responsible, very selfless, sensitive, very tolerant, wise, very warm, determined, moralistic, fanciful, insecure, hesitant, shy, harsh at times, polite, kind, very understanding, stubborn, silent and distant.

Morality & Philosophy

Does not kill anyone except it is a monster or demon. Is strongly against torture.

Personality Characteristics


Feeling of hope, her feelings for Arthur, words of her mother, her sibling like bond with Klee, her friendship with the group, her father's sacrifice


Contacts & Relations

Belongs to Nomardia's protectors, friends of Tomothy, Lilly, Maurice, Michael, Lukas, Jonathan and Andreas, Arthur's lover, "sister" and best friend of Klee

Family Ties

Boreas Frostheart alias The North Wind was her father, Winter was her mother


Aenna Madden

Lover (Vital)

Towards Arthur Damaris



Arthur Damaris

Lover (Vital)

Towards Aenna Madden



Nicknames & Petnames

Snow White, Yellow eye

Lloyd Garmadon

Friend (Vital)

Towards Aenna Madden



Aenna Madden

Friend (Vital)

Towards Lloyd Garmadon



Nicknames & Petnames

Dragon Kid, Wolfy, Onily

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Interest in Magic

Timothy Drake

Adoptive brother (Vital)

Towards Aenna Madden



Aenna Madden

Adoptive sister (Vital)

Towards Timothy Drake




When he was 3 years old, Tim first transformed into his hybrid form on a full moon and just ran scared around the Moonforest until he ran into Aenna who protcted him from being attacked and killed by another Wolf-Shifter named Layla. Aenna brought Tim to her tribe where he was adopted from the family Madden and became Aenna´s younger adoptive brother.

Nicknames & Petnames

Owly, Wolfly, Dragon Boy, Snowpaw, Blacky, Snowstorm, Whirlwind

Feiyu Dragonborn

Friend (Vital)

Towards Aenna Madden



Aenna Madden

Friend (Vital)

Towards Feiyu Dragonborn



Nicknames & Petnames

Bluey, Wolfy, Little Dragon, Wolfclaw

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Princess of the North Wind, The North Winds legacy, The White Wolf, The Wolf Spirit, The Master of the Snow, Ice and Nature
Date of Birth
5th of Apararoka 1490
The Shifter Settlement in the Moonforest
Timothy Drake (Adoptive brother)
Current Residence
Medical Tent of the Shifter Settlement
dimond blue, droopy eyes, monolid
long, dark brown, smooth, slightly curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blige, slightly tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
I have not fallen for a beast, I have fallen for a boy who thinks of himself to be a beast which he isn´t. I am a snowborn, a wearer of the white fur, a bringer and keeper of peace like my mother.
Known Languages
Human language, Elfara, Draconic, Orcrun, Dwarfian, Language of animals, Bestial


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