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Charlie Morningstar

Princess Charlotte Morningstar (a.k.a. Charlie, The Princess of Pride, Princess, Sweetheart, Char-char)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Charlie has a slender and quite high figure for a woman her age which causes her to often over tower most races and creatures.

Body Features

Charlie is a tall and slim-built white-skinned demigoddess.

Facial Features

She has long, ankle-length blonde hair with thin light coral streaks on the paler-blonde highlights, which is usually tied into a twice-banded low-ponytail by two black hair ties. Her hair also features bangs that are flipped to the left side and ends with a curl. Her eyes sport light yellow sclera and red pupils, and have thick eyelashes and gray eyelids. She has black lips and rosy red cheeks.

Special abilities

Immortality - As daughter of the oldest Oni Lady, Charlie is biologically immortal.   Oni transformation - Charlie can enter a fearsome, more powerful Oni form.   Pyrokinesis - Charlie is able to summon fire at will, shown able to erupt flames from the ground, which become a fiery tornado around herself when transforming into her full Oni form.   Pyrotechnic generation - The pyrotechnics are summoned from the palm of Charlie's hand or her fingers.   Glitter generation - Charlie is able to generate glitter from her hands.   Oni magic - Being the daughter of Lilith, Charlie can access powerful magic that is exclusive to the higher-ranking oni or their descendants.   Conjuration - Charlie can summon objects out of thin air. She can also summon her pitchfork with it.   Hand-to-hand combat - Charlie is able to hold her own when in hand-to-hand fighting. She did not hesitate to engage in fisticuffs, if she has to.   Musical talent - Charlie is a very talented singer. She can also play the piano.   Dancing - In addition to her musical abilities, Charlie is also a skilled dancer and a fast-learner. Charlie's personal style of dance is tap-dancing, something she can do very well.   Regeneration - Charlie is unaffected by most attacks and damages and can instantly regenerate flesh wounds or even losing her limbs.   Hellfire Resistance - Charlie is one of the only beings who is immune to magical hellfire.   Supernatural Speed - Charlie can move faster than most Humans, Onis and Demons can even perceive and can keep up with and outpace other Onis in combat.   Teleportation - Charlie can quickly transport herself and others to various locations, often appearing and disappearing in a destructive explosive of fire.   Fire breath - She can make fire come out of her mouth.   Strength - Charlie's physical strength is beyond exceptional.   Angelic power - Charlie possesses immensely powerful angelic magic which is only topped by her father Lucifer.

Apparel & Accessories

A dark red haor, a white kimono and black leather boots

Specialized Equipment

A bag with healing potions, herbs and other things a healer carries with her.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Wandering Healeress

Intellectual Characteristics

Enthusiastic, Spontaneous, Creative, Charismatic, Adaptable, Personable, Inspiring, Big-picture thinker, Flexible, Caring, Values-driven, Easily overwhelmed, Can miss important details, Difficulty staying on task, Overthinking, Seeing connections that don't exist, Seeking approval from others


Family Ties

Charlie is the daughter of Lady Lilith of Pride and Prince Lucifer Morningstar the God of Angels.
Current Status
Searching her way
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Princess of Pride, Princess, The great Healeress, The Bringerress of Redemption, The Princess of Angels, The Princess of Onis, The Daughter of Pride, The Daughter of the Angel King
Date of Birth
31th of Golrikan 1486
The Palace of Pride in the Kingdom of Koronga
Current Residence
The Light Elves Kingdom
light yellow sclera, red pupils
long, fancy, blond, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Bestial, Human language, Draconic, Onigo, Orcrun, Elfara, Dwarfian


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