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Lucifer, the God of Angels

Prince Lucifer Morningstar (a.k.a. The God of Angels, The Lover of the Pride Lady, The Dreamer, The Fire Lord, The Healer, Luci, The Prince of Gods)

Divine Domains

Angels, Dreams, Fire, Redemtion, Healing, Reptiles


The Book of Lucifer

Divine Symbols & Sigils

White or red feathers, flaming swords, snakes, Fireworm, Slitherwing, Singetail, red, white, Brugmansia,


Lucifer has very strong ties to the Day of Life, as the God of Angels, which are often associated with life.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Taking care of his daughter Charlotte

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lucifer has a slender and quite short figure for a god which causes him to be often over towered by most races and creatures.

Body Features

Lucifer appears as a young, handsom, charming, slender-figured and quite short male human with white skin with rosy-cheeks, blonde hair with thin light coral streaks on the thicker, paler blonde highlights, and light blue eyes. Due to him being the God of Angels, he possesses six white wings with red feathers, which he can extend from his back whenever he wishs.

Facial Features

Lucifers hair is cut short and has been slicked back with one tuft sticking out, his pupils are slit like a snake, and his cheeks are a paler shade of red. In addition, he also sports black sharp eyebrows, and his eyelids are light purple.

Identifying Characteristics

Because of him being soulmates with the Oni Lady of Pride Lilith, Lucifer has his mouth full of sharp teeth, his nails slightly sharpen into claws and the slight scent of an Oni.

Special abilities

Angelic power - Lucifer possesses immensely powerful angelic magic which holds sway over the angelic power of his children.   Oni transformation - Lucifer can assume a more fearsome and powerful form because of being Soulmates with Lilith.   Strength - Lucifer's physical strength is beyond exceptional.   Flight - Lucifer can summon six angelic wings on a whim, with the size of his wings varying.   Portal creation - Lucifer is able to conjure portals as a means of instant transportation, which Lucifer has shown to use when transporting others can use. Lucifer’s portals manifest as rings of sparkly light.   Teleportation - Lucifer can instantly teleport himself from one location to another. He does this by enveloping himself in a swirling fog of deep red smoke with sparkling, golden glitter.   Shapeshifting - Lucifer can shapeshift into a wide variety of animals.   Conjuration - Lucifer seems to be able to create virtually anything he desires with a simple flick of the wrist. This includes but is not limited to clothing, food or instruments.   Duplication - Lucifer can create multiple copies of himself.   Pyrokinesis - As the God of Fire, he also has the power to manipulate fire at will.   Fire breath - He can make fire come out of his mouth.

Apparel & Accessories

Lucifer often wears a white robe decorated with red feathers at times.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Curious, Charismatic, Boredom, Creativity, Energetic, Logic, Love for debates, Open, Thinking, Argumentative, Curious about the world around them, Innovation, Insensitive, Intuitive, Recognize the bigger picture, Social skills, Smart, Cunning


Family Ties

Klee, the God of Earth is his Father. Koral, the Goddess of the Sea is his Mother.


Lady Lilith

Lover (Important)

Towards Lucifer, the God of Angels



Lucifer, the God of Angels

Lover (Vital)

Towards Lady Lilith




Its unknown how these two fall in love with each other but its known that they both are the parents from both the demon and angel race as well as from her "true daughter" Charlie Morningstar.

Artemus, the God of the Hunt

Brother (Important)

Towards Lucifer, the God of Angels



Lucifer, the God of Angels

Brother (Important)

Towards Artemus, the God of the Hunt



Divine Classification
Minor God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of Angels, The Dreamer, The Fire Lord, The Redeemer, The great Healer, The King of the Reptiles, The Prince of Gods
Date of Birth
The Realm of Gods
Lady Lilith (Lover)
he/ him
light blue
short, fancy, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pure white
1,70m (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Lucifer can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker.


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