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Hiccup Haddock

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (a.k.a. Hicks, The Dragon Conqueror, The Night Fury)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hiccup has a jet-black, scaly, pale skin tone and auburn hair, with green eyes. He is rather tall, 1.85, and slimmer than most other in his age or from her race, with a slim body and not as much muscle tone, as she often relies on acrobatic, intelect, speed and stealth rather than strength.

Body Features

Hiccup has the wings, the tail and talons of a Night Fury. The set of extended spines along his back are quite small even in his dragon form dragon form. His talons are quite short which is rather common under Dragon-Shifters to have.

Facial Features

Hiccup's eyes are green with his jet-black, scaly, skinned face and having quite small but sharp fangs, giving him a bit of an intimidating appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

Hiccup has a small scar on the right side of his chin and his left leg up to his mid-shin is replaced with a prosthetic which is also visible in his dragon form because he misses the left side of his tail fin in this form, that got replaced by a mechanical fin later.

Special abilities

Dragon Training and Riding: Hiccup discovers that he has this ability during his younger years, and grows to become the best Dragon Trainer in his village. Because of his talents, he has been made the head of the Academy. Hiccup is always the one looked to when dragon-related problems come up.   Dragon Roar: Hiccup can make a roaring noise that sounds similar to Dragons' roar.   Leadership: Despite not especially enjoying leading a large group, Hiccup is a natural-born leader. Most of the time the other riders follow his commands without question.   Drawing: Even before Hiccup begins to train dragons, he’s seen drawing his inventions. He is never without his journal and a large charcoal pencil. His sketches are usually quick and slightly messy but compared to most other Vikings he is quite good. He uses his artistic talent to aid him in making plans and inventions.   Inventing: Hiccup learned a great deal about crafting from Gobber. His many years of apprenticeship have certainly paid off. He uses the forge well (despite his small size), and he's excellent at working leather. This tailfin has been modified many times and is a work of sheer genius. He even created two auto tails using complex gear systems. Besides that Hiccup has managed to design a plethora of other objects, from winches to telescopes. He invented his shield, and his Dragon Blade, which were each inspired by dragons' abilities.   Intelligence: This talent is really at the heart of all of Hiccup's other abilities. He's almost always the one to come up with the solutions to the problems that the Riders face. He's shown to be very cunning, resourceful and perceptive and possesses a great aptitude for strategy and tactics. He's also fairly knowledgeable.   Strength and Fighting Skills: He has been shown to have impressive strength when angered or defensive. While Hiccup does not do any direct fighting, he does wield his Dragon Blade, Inferno, with great precision and skill. It was also shown that by this time he had become a proficient and accurate archer alongside the other Riders. Hiccup has sometimes been seen fighting and dual-wielding with both Inferno and his shield in several occasions.   Accuracy/Precision: Hiccup has amazing marksmanship. He has been seen launching bolas from his shield with very good accuracy, almost never missing.   Reflexes: Hiccup is shown to have pretty good reflexes. Hiccup is able to roll under a sword just in time to save his head.   Persuasion: Hiccup is known to be very persuasive, (Astrid says so herself) as he has convinced his father, the teens, the whole village of Berk, Dagur, Alvin to give Dragons a closer look and see the beauty of them.   Prosthetic Leg: Hiccup's prosthetic leg has its advantages. Aside from using it to walk, he can use it as a weapon. He has also been seen using it as a pickaxe. He can also get rid of it to save his life. It can also be harmed without injuring Hiccup physically.   Shapeshifting: Hiccup is able to turn either into his human form, his main form or into his dragon form as a full blown Nigth Fury.   Incredible Speed and Agility: Hiccup possesses incredible flight speed. Even when not flying, Hiccup can tear along the ground at terrific speeds and is one of the most agile Dragon Shifters on land, shown being able to leap from trees, boulders, walls, etc.   Dive-Bombing: Hiccup is agile enough to preform powerful dive-bombing techniques that can knock a giant dragon like the Red Death to the ground. The Dive-Bombing is almost always accompanied by a high pitched whistling sound. This not only grants incredible downward speeds, but also increases the strength of his plasma blasts for greater damage while also accurately guiding it towards its target. Hiccup, however, is unable to use this ability to his fullest when confined to narrow spaces while flying.   Strength and Combat: Hiccup has shown to be tremendously strong for a dragon form of his size, able to hold his own against other larger species. He can carry heavy objects, such as boulders and branches with his front legs alone, as well as heavy set adult humans such as Stoick and Gobber. When flying at full speed, he can knock down a dragon-proof ballista straight into the sea.   Stamina and Endurance: Hiccup can fly longer than any other Dragon Shifter. He has shown to be able to run long distances with no sign of being exhausted. Hiccups' bodily tissue is substantially harder than regular Dragon Shifters, and he is also able to take a lot of damage in battle from Hookfang, fighting off the Berk warriors, and Stoick the Vast. He can take attacks from his rival, and still look untouched. Crossbow bolts and spears have been seen not to penetrate Hiccup' skin. However, sometimes arrows do penetrate his skin. He was also able to fly for a short time, despite being shot by a dragon root arrow. Although he didn't recover quickly like other Dragon Shifters.   Retractable Teeth: Hiccup can retract his teeth when not using them. This may be to protect them from damage by his incredibly powerful plasma blasts, though he is often seen firing with his teeth still extended.   Enhanced Senses: Hiccup appears to have an uncannily great sense of hearing. This good sense of hearing plays into his ability to use sonar. He is, however, able to echolocate like a bat; sending sounds off and listening for them to bounce off objects around him, giving him the ability to find his way around in the dark.   Stealth and Camouflage: Hiccup' black scales and extreme speed make him hard to notice, especially at night or in dark places. Hiccup can move with silence even in pitch black conditions and be one with darkness.   Cloaking/Lightning Camouflage: Hiccup can channel lightning which enables him to seemingly disappear temporarily. The lightning that Toothless channels around his body will also electrocute anything in his vicinity.   Firepower: Hiccup can produce several forms of fire. His signature attack is dive-bombing and firing a precise and incredibly powerful blast, strong enough to destroy catapults and even knock down a Red Death in a single shot. He can also weaken his blasts enough to use them for non-violent purposes, and this level of control also allows him to ricochet his shots off of other surfaces like cliff faces.   Echolocation: Hiccup can use echolocation to guide himself and others. He can then use it to see in clouds.   Flame Jacket: Hiccup has once demonstrated the ability to set himself alight with blue flames.   "Flaps" on the Back: Revealed by Valka, as it appears Hiccup himself was unaware of them, he has leathery flaps placed in "V" shape extending from his neck to the end of the tail. They gave him more maneuverability and control in flight, almost like a second tail.

Apparel & Accessories

Hiccup wears dark brown leather armor over a long-sleeved red-orange tunic, with brown arm brackets and double-layered shoulder guards and dark reddish-brown pants.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Heir of the throne as the Chief of Berk

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent, Determined, Observational, Protective, Kind, Sarcastic, Compassion, Confident, Likeable, Naturally big-hearted, Innocent


Family Ties

Hiccup is the son of Stoick the Vast, the chief of the Village of Berk and Lady Valka Wayne, a Stormcutter Dragon Shifteress. His uncle is Lord Bruce Wayne and his adoptive cousins are Dick Grayson and Jason Todd.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Dragon Conqueror, The Night Fury, The Son of the Chief of Berk, The Son of the Stormcutter, The Shadow, The Night Shadow, The Dragon of the Night
Date of Birth
16th of Onirodrago 1487
Circumstances of Birth
Son of the Chief of the Village of Berk
The Village of Berk
Current Residence
The Village of Berk
middle long, Auburn, ruffled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
1.85m (human and main form), 8.74m (dragon form)
73kg (human and main form), 805.6 kg (dragon form)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"One of the benefits of a metal leg, I suppose.", "You are going to regret this.", "What the Thor is this?",
Known Languages
Human language, Draconic, Language of animals, Bestial


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