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Stoick Haddock

Chief Stoick Haddock (a.k.a. Stoick the Vast, Chief, Great Chief, Stoick the Vindictive)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stoick is a big man, towering over most Vikings, his presence alone demonstrated the might of the Berkian chief. Like almost all Viking men, he had a very large and muscular figure.

Facial Features

Stoick is a Viking with green eyes, long red hair and wears his hair in a thick braid in the back. The trend of braiding carried on his beard which was intricate in its many strands.

Special abilities

Strength: Stoick's superhuman strength is extremely obvious. Stoick is able to defeat a Monstrous Nightmare in a short fight. He defeated a Thunderdrum in a few seconds with only two punches that were powerful enough to lift the dragon off the ground.   Fighting Skills: Stoick is almost certainly the greatest Hooligan warrior. Along with his strength, Stoick does have a little bit of strategic ability as well.   Dragon Training and Riding: Stoick has gotten better at dealing with dragons. He is also able to calm angry dragons with a calming touch. He and Thornado flew and fought well together. He later released Thornado and, he tamed a new dragon, a Rumblehorn named Skullcrusher.   Leadership Skills: The village usually trusts Stoick fully. He terrifies many of the villagers, but they all respect him. The only time the village has disobeyed his orders was during a riot led by Mildew. He is called upon to use tact and diplomacy to mediate disputes, as seen in, manages Berk's resources for future needs as mentioned and lends a hand where ever possible, from taking down a fence, to driving off a wild dragon attack on their fishing boats. It was shown he is a great sea captain, and it was hinted he is also an experienced fisherman.   Wisdom: Tied to his leadership skills, Stoick is shown to be wise and thoughtful when it comes to problems, despite his stubborn nature. He is cautious when dealing with madmen like Alvin. He even gave some advice to his son, that there will be hard choices in life as his son couldn't trust Snotlout to work as a team in combat. He can't be someone's friend and be their leader at the same time, knowing that the person might not listen. Stoick told his son, he must find a way that is best for his people even if it means possibly destroying personal relationships of his own.   Carving: Stoick has a fondness for whittling ducks out of wood. He finds it to be a calming hobby that he likes to do in the morning.   Reflexes and Coordination: He is shown to have great reflexes. When someone snuck up on him, he grabbed them by their tunic and lifted them off the ground. His balance is so great that he is able to stand on Thornado's back with a boulder in his hands.   Intelligence: While he is not quite as intellectually inclined as his son, Hiccup, he has proven to be very crafty.   Endurance and Stamina: Stoick's muscular body is able to resist great attacks such as getting body slammed by Meatlug flying at full speed, causing him to be stunned and in pain while still able to roll. With great stamina, he can fight for long periods of time without getting exhausted. He has also shown that he is able to take attacks from other Vikings such as Alvin and still be able to continue to battle for long periods of time. He is also shown to be capable of surviving fire, at least to a degree.

Apparel & Accessories

His usual attire consisted of a large fur cloak draped over his shoulder, a dark green tunic from shoulder to knee, metal shoulder pads, a chainmail skirt with striped pantaloons, and fur boots. On his head he wears a large horned helmet. He also wore rounded-spiked braces around his wrists. He also has pauldrons beneath his shoulder pads.

Specialized Equipment

His silver and gronckle iron axe

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Chief of the Village of Berk

Intellectual Characteristics

Organization, Dedicated, Hardworking, Honest, Sensing, Dependable, Difficulty expressing emotion, Thinking, Goal-oriented, Leader, Logic, Realistic, Strong-willed, Stubborn, Being bossy and controlling, Confident, Decisive, Difficulty adapting to change, Direct, Efficiency, Extroverted intuition, Good communicators, Grounded, Impatient


Family Ties

Stoick is the husband of Valka Wayne and the father of Hiccup Haddock.


Stoick Haddock

Husband (Vital)

Towards Valka Wayne



Valka Wayne

Wife (Vital)

Towards Stoick Haddock



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief, Great Chief, One of the Greatest Dragon Hunters to Have Ever Lived (formerly), Chief of the Hooligan Tribe, Stoick the Vast, Stoick the Vindictive
Date of Birth
25th of Golrikan 1456
Circumstances of Birth
Son of the former Chief of the Village of Berk
The Village of Berk
Valka Wayne (Wife)
Current Residence
The Village of Berk
long, red, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white, quite tanned
Known Languages
Human language, Draconic, Orcrun, Elfara, Dwarfian

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