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Valka Wayne

Lady Valka Wayne (a.k.a. The Cloudcutter, The Dragon Healer, Lady Wayne, The Chieftess of the Village of Berk)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Valka has a bronwish, scaly, pale skin tone and auburn hair, with light blue eyes. She is rather tall, 1.90, and slimmer than most other in her age or from her race, with a slim body and not as much muscle tone, as she often relies on acrobatic, intelect and stealth rather than strength.

Body Features

Valka has the wings, the tail and talons of a woody-brown colored Stormcutter. The spines along her back are quite smaller then in her dragon form. Her talons are hooked which is quite rare under Dragon-Shifters to have.

Facial Features

Valka's eyes are light blue with her woody-brown, scaly, skinned face and having quite small but sharp fangs, giving her a bit of an intimidating appearance.

Special abilities

Shapeshifting: Valka is able to turn either into her human form, her main form or into her dragon form as a full blown woody-brown Stormcutter.   Super Speed: Valka can fly and run at supersonic speeds.   Mirror Image: Valka is able to create a certain amount of copies of herself.   Infernos - Valka is able to summon towers of flame burst through the ground.   Raging Fires - Valka is able to call fires pours from the sky.   Phoenix Flame - The most powerful fire attack. Withe the fire of the Phoenix Flame, Valka can burn for hours and can do serious amounts of damage.   Dragon Training and Riding: Valka's most notable trait is her skill to connect with dragons after living among them for twenty years. She does not need words to command them and even moves like one at times. She also makes most dragons calm down through simple gestures and most feel comfortable in her presence. She is a true dragon expert.   Strength and Fighting Skills: Valka is able to take on and defeat several enemies. She is also seen effortlessly winning an arm wrestling against other vikings.   Agility: Valka is shown to be very athletic, able to easily ride dragons while standing on their wings with perfect balance. She is also able to use the hooks on her staff to swing from one dragon to another during flight.   Crafting and Inventing: Valka's other notable trait is her skill of crafting. Like her son, she is capable of building various items for herself such as her armor, her home in the Village of Berk, and Hiccup's stuffed dragon toy. She also invented her own staff that she uses for creating vibrating noises to communicate with the dragons.   Healing: Valka has been shown to be a good healer as she tended to the wounds of many dragons.

Apparel & Accessories

A yellow long sleeve wrap style dress, an orange belt, brown patchwork leggings, armbands and boots with spikes on the sides

Specialized Equipment

Valka's Staff: The two double hooks allow Valka to hook onto other dragons and defend them from trappers. They also help her in latching onto objects before swinging herself from them. Valka also uses the staff as a weapon. The staff's hooks has holes and rattles that make sounds that only dragons can understand. These include sounds to calm them, come, and to fire.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Lady of the House Wayne, Chiefless of the Village of Berk, Human and Dragon Healer

Intellectual Characteristics

Sensitive, Empathy, Intuition, Idealistic, Extremely perceptive, Deeply affected by criticism, Likes time alone, Reserved, Compassionate, Complex emotional experience, Creativity, Helpful

Morality & Philosophy

People and Dragons are equals.


Valka Wayne

Sister (Vital)

Towards Bruce Wayne



Bruce Wayne

Brother (Vital)

Towards Valka Wayne




A strong bond that got impossible to break even after the murder of their parents or Valka left to live in the Village of Berk.

Stoick Haddock

Husband (Vital)

Towards Valka Wayne



Valka Wayne

Wife (Vital)

Towards Stoick Haddock



Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Cloudcutter, The Dragon Healer, Lady Wayne, The Chieftess of the Village of Berk
Date of Birth
19th of Frostoran 1463
The Bat Castle of the House Wayne
Parents (Adopting)
Stoick Haddock (Husband)
Bruce Wayne (Brother)
Current Residence
The Village of Berk
light blue
long, auburn, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white, partly scaley, brown
1.90m, (human and main form) 24.7 m (dragon form)
78kg (human and main form) ,1134 kg (dragon form)
Known Languages
Human language, Draconic, Orcrun, Language of animals, Bestial, Elfara, Dwarfian


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