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Basic Information


Minotaurs are bipedal species that have four limbs, two legs and two arms, five digits on each hand. Minotaurs have hooves as feet and have hairless bodies. They have hair on their heads and males are able to grow facial hair. A Minotaurs head resembles that of a human but with bovine ears and horns, with males having larger horns, they also have a bovine tail.

Biological Traits

Male Minotaurs are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Minotaurs are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth. Minotaurs also have bovine features such as hooves as feet, horns with males having larger horns, bovine tails and bovine ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Minotaurs reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Minotaurs from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Minotaur is considered a young adult. A Minotaur who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

Minotaurs live in tropical savanna, temperate, mountainous and Mediterranean climates. Minotaurs can be found around the world of Nomardia due to being used as slaves by other races.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Minotaurs are herbivores they procure their food by farming crops or by foraging areas for wild fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Minotaurs age and grow until eventually their body reaches a point that they can no longer sustain themselves and die.


A Minotaurs behaviour differs between males and females. Males are more aggressive and brutish in nature while females are more calm and kinder in nature. Male Minotaurs are less likely to cooperate with other races while females are more willing to cooperate and find it easier to interact with other races. Males will result to violence to solve disputes while females resolve disputes without the need for violence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Minotaurs live in tribes of 20 to 40. Minotaur tribes are led by a male Minotaur, known as the elder, who is the biggest and strongest among the tribe.    Male Minotaurs would do the fighting and farming while the females would do the domestic work and child raising. Though their society is patriarchal female Minotaurs make up the majority of the population while males make up minority.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Female Minotaurs are constantly producing milk, so much that female Minotaurs sale their milk to other races.    Minotaur milk tastes the same as cow milk but is highly more nutritious.

Facial characteristics

Minotaurs have a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green and brown, and ears, that are bovine, with one nose and mouth. Male Minotaurs are able to grow facial hair. Minotaurs also have bovine horns with the males having larger horns.

Average Intelligence

Minotaurs are known to be one of the least intelligent races found on Nomardia. A male Minotaurs thoughts are mainly focussed on fighting and producing offspring, while females due to their docile nature are simple minded and slow witted.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Minotaurs predominantly use sight to observe the world around them but can use other senses such as hearing to do so as well.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Minotaur names are guttural and short with influence from some Human cultures.

Beauty Ideals

Minotaur beauty ideals are the physical features an individual has and personality of the individual.

Gender Ideals

Minotaurs live in patriarchal society where the males take positions of power and authority. They also do all the fighting and manual labour.     Female Minotaurs are expected to raise children and do domestic work. Many female Minotaurs sell their own milk.

Courtship Ideals

Male Minotaurs fight amongst each other to earn the right to mate with as many females as possible and make them their mates.

Relationship Ideals

Minotaurs are polygamous and form harems with a male at the centre surrounded by females. Male Minotaurs are also known to take females from other races as members of their harem. Female Minotaurs have no issues with being part of a harem be it with a male Minotaur or a male from another race. Females will also only pair with one male, that being the head of the harem, while males will take several lovers.

Average Technological Level

Due to the low level of intelligence of Minotaurs only use primitive technology and are unable to create more advanced or complex technologies.    Minotaurs have access to stone tools, basic metals and wooden tools.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human language, Orcrun, Bestial, Language of animals

Common Etiquette Rules

Male Minotaurs are brutish and aggressive and only treat the strong with respect. They treat most situations as competitions.    Female Minotaurs are calm and kind and treat most people with respect and will always act friendly towards people.

Common Dress Code

Minotaurs wear very basic clothes, that come in basic colours, with much of their skin exposed.    They will also adorn themselves with piercings such as rings on their ears or on their noses as well as jewellery on their horns.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Minotaur culture is split between the male Minotaurs, known as Bulls, and the female Minotaurs, known as Cows.    Bulls are constantly training and fighting other Bulls to prove their strength and superiority over the weaker Bulls. Bulls are the warriors and hard labourers in Minotaur society.   Cows are focussed on maintaining the home and looking after the children as well as supporting their mates. The Cows are the domestic workers, however, Cows due to their docile nature have also take positions as diplomats or merchants and travel to settlements belonging to other races.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

It is common for young Bulls to be trained by their father to fight and become warriors, while young Cows learn to cook, clean and make clothes from their father.

Common Taboos

Common taboos in Minotaur society include murder, theft, assault, sexual assault, cannibalism and Others.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Male Minotaurs are very distrustful and hostile towards other races and are unlikely to cooperate with them.    However, female Minotaurs can be too trusting and friendly towards other races and are likely to cooperate with other races, but they are also more likely to be tricked into servitude.
Genetic Descendants
125 years
Average Height
The average female Minotaur height is 2.1m and the average male Minotaur height is 2.4 m.
Average Weight
The average female Minotaur weight is 252‒293 kg and the average male Minotaur weight is 270‒310 kg.
Average Physique
The average Minotaur physique is large and either muscular or fat with it varying from being more muscular or fatter.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Minotaur skin colour ranges from black, brown, fair and pale, Minotaur hair colour ranges from blond, brown, white and black. A Minotaurs legs and arms are covered in fur that is similar to a cow, the fur colour matches the colour of the Minotaur's hair.


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