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Neru, the God of Love

Neru, the God of Love (a.k.a. The King of Love, The Lord of Sleep, The Master of Desire, The Prince of Learning, The Duke of Flowers)

Divine Domains

Sleep, Love, Desire, Focus, Flowers, Learning

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Pink, All Flowers, dove, hearts, light red, cats, swans, sloth, owl, hedgehog, squirrel, chameleon, bee, horse

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Neru has a slender and quite tall figure for a god which causes her to often tower over most races and creatures.

Body Features

Neru appears as a young male vampire with smooth red, short hair and a fit but aging body.

Special abilities

Amokinesis: As the God of Love, Lust, and Sexuality, Neru has divine authority and absolute control over the emotions associated love and desire. He is able to arouse love and passion in others, entrancing any mortal or god he desires. The only known deities who have at least partial immunity to this are the Big Five.   Charmspeak: Neru's voice has a mesmerizing effect, capable of influencing the emotions of others in order to place them in his thrall. His charmspeak is far more powerful than that of his children.   Personification of Desire: Neru is the personification of all desire and fulfillment. He has divine authority and absolute control over craving of the attainable, physical appetite, emotional need, envious desire, and satisfaction of one's desire.   Beauty: As the God of Beauty, Neru can change his appearance to perfectly fit the perception of beauty according to the person he is in the presence of. He is so breathtakingly beautiful that it makes jaws drop and speechless for a couple of seconds after first seeing him.   Omnipotent Allure: Neru can change his appearance to become the most physically attractive or sexually attractive body according to the person he in the presence of.   Biokinesis: Neru can manipulate one's body to grant and/or enhance their beauty or make them ugly and undesirable. His claiming enhances the beauty of his already gorgeous demigod children and removes their physical imperfecions, such as pimples. Neru can turn others ugly.   Infallible Visual Acuity: Neru possessed a level of microscopic-vision.   Chlorokinesis: Neru has control over flora (especially flowers).   Plant Transformation: Neru can turn anyone into anything related to flowers.   Pyrokinesis: Neru can generate pink explosions, which are destructive enough to instantly blast the ceiling of his palace to rubble.   Nephelokinesis: Neru can float on a small white cloud.   Control of Animals: Neru has a high level of control over his sacred animals, particularly the dove.   Flight: Through levitation has Neru the ability to fly.   Hypnokinesis: As the god of sleep, he has divine authority over sleep. This power allows him to induce sleep, visions and even manipulate dreams.   Hallucikinesis: As he is the god of sleep, he has divine authority over dreams. Though he has divine authority over illusions too.   Shapeshifting: Neru can change his appearance into anything that he wants to be.

Apparel & Accessories

Neru is often known for wearing makeup, in simple and subdued styles, but in bright colors around his eyes.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Spontaneous, Easily bored, Energetic, Excellent problem solvers, Observant, Adventurous, Excellent people skills, Extraversion, Feeling, Fun, Holds his attention, Perception, Practical, Sensitive to criticism, Sociable


Family Ties

Neru is the son of Faith, the Goddess of Dragons and Azrael, the God of Death. Neru is the brother of Kurama, the God of War, Yamuna, the Goddess of Summer and Boreas Frostheart.
Divine Classification
Minor God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of Love, The Lord of Sleep, The Master of Desire, The Prince of Learning, The Duke of Flowers, The great Teacher, The Rival of Lord Asmodeus, The Embodiment of Lust and Desire, The Lord of Flowers
Date of Birth
The Realm of Gods
Current Residence
The Palace of Love
sky blue
short, smooth, red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
1.90 m (mortal form)
63kg (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Neru can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker.


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