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Azrael, the God of Death

Azrael, the God of Death Pluteros (a.k.a. The Father of Oni, Lord of Death)

Divine Domains

Death, Undead, Fatherhood, Protection, Onis, Calmess, Lava, Blacksmithing

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Onis, Anvils, Iron, Vulcans, Skulls, Bones, Apples, Lavender, Obituaries, Light Blue, Black

Tenets of Faith

Like many gods that have existed for millennia, Azrael is often associated with many different ways of him, and worshipped in different ways depending on these aspects ascribed to him. Different offerings are often used, and these aspects often have different attributes and iconography that differ heavily from his actual appearance.   Azrael the Farther: Azrael the Farther is depicted as a larger Silverback Gorilla carring young children of other races on his back and arms. Azrael the Farther is a well known symbol of Father's Day and the Day of Life, used for symbols of the strengh and the bondess of families.   Azrael the Protector: Azrael the Protector is depicted as a black, massive, ghostly Boneknapper with his wings sorounded in black smoke, representing the cooperation, loyalty, and coordination of soldier, fighters and othes as protectors. Often this is seen adorning armor, and has become a symbol of many fighter groups, oftentimes being used as shorthand for cooperation as a group.   Azrael the Calm One: Azrael the Calm One is depicted as a beautiful, pure white Stallion with light blue eyes. He represents the act and power of calmeness. Often images of this aspect are used to adorn declarations of peace, ceasefire, peace flags, and house.   Azrael the Onifather: Azrael the Onifather is depicted as a massive black Oni with four arms, demonic wings, pure black tusk and hair and four dark purple horns. He stumps over the lands, blessing his children and those who treat them with kindness and respect with protection and advise.   Azrael the Bringer of Death: Azrael the Bringer of Death is depicted as a big Night Fury who is sorounded in lightling, light blue flames and has light blue death flaiming eyes. Often used as a symbol of the underworld where every living being will go someday and the fear of death and the end of life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a powerful frame and stands tall, being on or over eye contact with most race with ease.

Body Features

He has the appearance of a flaming skeleton of a young man covered in light blue flames and a powerful bone structure.

Facial Features

Azrael's head is a skull surrounded in light blue flames with two bone horns on his forehead and two light blue magma rocks in his eye holes acting as his eyes and pupils.

Identifying Characteristics

Azrael is often wearing a chain over his torso, around his left wrist or his waist. He is one of the few gods who mostly uses his left hand for things, making him one of the few left handed gods.

Special abilities

Magmakinesis (limited): As Azrael controls vulcans, he has full control over magma and lava.   Necromancy: As the God of the Dead and the Lord of the Underworld, Azrael has divine authority and absolute control over the deceased.   Power Over the Undead: Azrael can reanimate skeletons, call forth endless waves of the dead to fight for him, destroy Skeleton Warriors, and put them to sleep. He can also silence dead souls with a gesture, and physically take hold of ghosts.   Metamorphosis: Azrael can capture and release living souls in a blast of yellow flames.   Death Curses: Azrael is also able to place curses on the living. While he is unable to kill people before the fate decree its time, he can prevent a person's soul from ever leaving their body. This will mean that a person's body will eventually turn to dust with age, while their soul will be lost forever.   Life Sense: He can sense life auras. This can help him determine how much longer someone has left to live.   Resurrection: As the God of the Dead, Azrael is capable of resurrecting the dead. Azrael was planning to resurrect Kuchel Ackerman before being reminded by Faith that he can't as Azrael of all immortals must respect the laws of death.   Osteokinesis: As the God of the Dead, Azrael can summon and telekinetically control numerous bones at once.   Cryokinesis (limited): When the God of the Dead appears, he generates an aura of intense cold, which causes "frost to creep across the rocks and grass."   Infernal Monster Lordship: Azrael has absolute control over countless ferocious monsters native to his realm.   Umbrakinesis: As the God of the Underworld, Azrael has absolute control over shadows and darkness - the same as most of his children, but his are tremendously more powerful.   Darkness Generation: He can shoot solid bolts of darkness, and surround enemies into pitch black clouds of lightless space.   Darkness Shields: He can solidify shadows into virtually impenetrable shields, which are strong enough to deflect even Herobrine' thunderbolts.   Imperceptibility: He can use shadows to cover himself in darkness to become invisible.   Shadow Travel: Azrael can use shadows as a way of swift transportation over vast distances.   Dark Infernal Pyrokinesis: Arzael has absolute control over black hellfire, which is considerably more destructive than normal flames, as it turns whatever it touches into liquid. He can conjure it, and propel it from his hands.   Phobikinesis: Azrael has some control and divine authority over the power of fear.   Shapeshifting: Azrael is quite skilled at shapeshifting, though he hardly ever utilizes this ability.   Leadership Abilities: Azrael is able to lead his armies very well.   Technokinesis: As the god of blacksmiths, Hephaestus has unbelievable mechanical abilities which are second to none.   Enhanced Forging: Azrael can build any kind of machine out of any kind of material, as well as animate it and make it do things to suit his needs. He can even do this absentmindedly, fiddling with parts and gears when nervous or thinking hard over something.   Trap Creation and Incapacitation: Azrael is vastly skilled in creating virtually inescapable and undetectable traps. In both instances, only Azrael himself was capable of disabling these complex traps.   Machine Sensitivity: Azrael can instinctively sense faults in a metal ore.   Heat Sensitivity: He can sense heat, flames, and metals, akin to thermal vision.   Geokinesis (limited): As God of volcanoes, lava, and magma, he has a certain level of control over earth as volcanoes are connected to earth, and magma, which is just underground lava, are rocks at a high level of heat.   Magmakinesis: As the god of lava, he has control over magma.

Apparel & Accessories

Azrael often wears grey or black robes and cloak. He sometimes also wears his silver bone crone as king of the Underworld on his head.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

The Creation of Koronga, the Kingdom of Onis.

Failures & Embarrassments

Making Mammon the Oni Lord of Greed, Letting the Dark Lord escape from his cage in the Underworld

Mental Trauma

After Faith got her scar from Kurama the God of Pain Azrael was more then worried about Faith as he had developed quite a feeling of care and love for her and he is more then afraid that something like this or something worse could happen to Faith.

Intellectual Characteristics

Caring, Loyal, Practical, Reliable, Supportive, Altruism, Detail-oriented, Observant, Reluctant to change, Repressive, Compassionate, Dependable, Enthusiastic, Focused, Hardworking, Helpful, Humble, Shyness, Organized, Sensitive, Good at planning


Azrael, the God of Death

spouse (Important)

Towards Kuchel Ackerman



Kuchel Ackerman

spouse (Important)

Towards Azrael, the God of Death



Azrael, the God of Death

Soulmate (Vital)

Towards The Mother of Dragons



The Mother of Dragons

Soulmate (Important)

Towards Azrael, the God of Death




It is said that opposites attract, and that was also the case with the Goddess of Life and the God of Death. Even though both had their affairs with mortals, their love was still pure, making it one of the most famous and powerful bonds of love in history.

Nicknames & Petnames

Angel, Prince, Melady, Soul

Divine Classification
Major God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Champion of Onis, Father of Onis, Guardian of Death and Undead, Azrael the Father, Azrael the Protector, Azrael the Calm One , Azrael the Onifather, Azrael the Bringer of Death, The Flaiming Lord, The Skull King
Date of Birth
Realm of Gods
Kuchel Ackerman (spouse)
No Eyes At All, light blue burning magma stones inside the eyes holes of his skull
No Hair At All, bright light blue flames all around his skull
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
No Skin At All
1.88m (mortal form)
Known Languages
Like all gods, Azrael can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language he speaks and the native language of the speaker.
Ruled Locations


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