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The Mother of Dragons

Faith, Goddess of Dragons

Divine Domains

Dragons, motherhood, justice, children, fertility, protection, peace, life, writing, poetry and song writing


Faith created the Dragonbone Blade, the Dragon Chestplate, the Dragon Helmet and the Dragon Shield which together form the Dragon Armor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dragons, scales, gold, lave, deserts, spears, books, carved or chiseled dragon horns, dragon figures and wings are common symbols associated with her and frequently decorate Faith's shrines and altars.

Tenets of Faith

Like many gods that have existed for millennia, Faith is often associated with many different ways of life, and worshipped in different ways depending on these aspects ascribed to her. Different offerings are often used, and these aspects often have different attributes and iconography that differ heavily from her actual appearance.   Faith the Mother Faith the Mother is depicted as a green Crimson Goregutter carring dragon hathclings as well as young children of other races on her back. Faith the Mother is a well known symbol of Mother's Day and the Day of Life, used for symbols of the strengh and the bondess of families.   Faith the Protector Faith the Protector is depicted as a black-silver, massive Skrill, representing the cooperation, loyalty, and coordination of soldier, fighters and othes as protectors. Often this is seen adorning armor, and has become a symbol of many fighter groups, oftentimes being used as shorthand for cooperation as a group.   Faith the Peacekeeper Faith the Peacebringer is depicted as a pure white Snafflefang with light blue eyes. She represents the act and power of peace itself, as well as harmony. Often images of this aspect are used to adorn declarations of peace, ceasefire, peace flags, and house.   Faith the Dragonmother Faith the Dragonmother is depicted as a massive red-brown Night Fury. She flies over the skies, blessing her children and those who treat her children with kindness and respect with protection and advise.   Faith the Bringer of Life Faith the Bringer of Life is depicted as a bright yellow Stormcutter. Often used as a symbol of the sun which makes life even possible and the hope of that life always continuines which is used as a symbol on the Day of Life.


Faith has very strong ties to the Day of Life, as a goddees of life, being associated with the holiday in its fertility rituals. She is also a goddess often given offerings on Mother's Day, which has become synonymous with worshiping her (as Faithi the Mother) over the centuries.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a powerful frame and stands tall, towering over most race with ease.

Body Features

Faith appears as a young woman, most often of Asian decent with short jet black hair and a fit but aging body. She is slightly tanned. She wears two scarlet horns on her forehead and sometimes even appears with a pair of wings and a dragon tail with the same scale colors like the rest of her skin.    In her mortal form she either takes the form of a female Dragonblood with her horn beign really big for an avarage female Dragonblood or she takes the form of a femal human with jet black hair of Asian decent.

Facial Features

One big scar is over her left eye from her battle with Kurama, the God of Pain, only displayed in her mortal form from her upper forehead to lower cheek. The dragon goddess eyes are rather unique even among the gods as well, being the left one beign red with out a iris and the right one beign black with one, with her iris slightly brighter in color by her own personal choice on how to appear in mortal form.

Identifying Characteristics

Faith is known to wear a olive green silk scarf around her neck which was a give from the God O Wolves Boreas Frostheart to her before his demaise. In her humanoid dragon form she always wears the Dragon Armor and carries the Dragonbone Blade.

Apparel & Accessories

The Goddess of Dragons is favoring simply made clothing of leather. She either wears the Dragon Armor or a mantle and a kilt with minor armoring, such as bracers or gloves.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Faith was able to keep peace in Nomandia over centuries.

Failures & Embarrassments

Because the peace continued so long Faith retired herself in the Realm of Gods which give the mysterious Lord of Eternal Darkness the chance to secretly raised up from the Shadow Islands and took control over many parts of the land which makes the peace colapast again.

Mental Trauma

As the goddess of Dragons Faith sees all Dragons and draconic races as her children. Seeing her children being hunted, feared or them even going on a dark path hits Faith really hard and until this day everytime somthing terrible is done to one of her children or one of her children does somthing terrible Faiths powerful dragonic roar can be heard over the whole land and everyone of her children will roar along to show there respect and pity for their mothers sorrow.

Intellectual Characteristics

Organized, Stubborn, Detail-oriented, Honest, Loyal, Realistic, Dependable, Direct, Independent, Insensitive, Judgmental, Logic, Practical, Responsible, Calm,Decisive, Objective, Observant, Quiet, Rigid, Sensing, Traditional, Conscientious, Dedicated

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

For a goddess often seen as so powerful and untouchable as others, many of her likes and hobbies are quite well known. Faith loves telling stories and listening to stories of others. She also love poetry, writing and anyother sort of making art through writing. She shows greate appreciation for those who can create art with writing and share these with others. As the godess of peace Faith also shows really great appreciation for those who solve conflicts diplomaticly and without fighting or violence. But beign also the goddess of Dragons Faith is also really fond of fighting and sports associated with it. She also loves challenges, mental or physical and will never turn away from a competition if it means being able to test her limits. Those confidant enough to attempt to challenge her are a great source of amusement as well and often those that impress her with their ability, or potential for it, are given great favors.


Family Ties

Faith is the mother of all Dragons and dragonic like races. All living Dragons and dragonic like races today are descended from her at least distantly. Faith is "married" or rather mated with Azrael, the God of Death. Faith is also the twin sister of Klee, the Kind of Gods.

Religious Views

Unlike many major gods, Faith holds little to no personal bias to any other god, including the other major gods and minor gods.

Social Aptitude

Protective and independence are what most come to mind when dealing with the Dragon Goddess, however these qualities are earned. Faith is known for being highly protective and sturbborn when within her own territory and incredibly defensive of her worshipers. But when in the realm of other gods or nations she is calm and collected. She highly values those with the drive to stand up to the gods, within reason, and grant them incredible power if impressed. With a strong love for the energy and confidence of mortals, she often is known to take them under her wing and train them far beyond what most gods are willing to and granting those who show the 'proper' drive to protect others incredible strength to do so.


Faith is known to her protective attribute towards her loved ones and innocent mortals. She will always stand her ground when pressured. She will never back down from a fight if it means to protect someone. She stands tall and holds her head high, always speaking her mind but keeping a polite and respectful tone when she does this.


She like all gods, can be understood regardless of one's native language. Faith is heard by mortals with little accent or a slight combination of many that gives no solid indication of where she may be from. Generally, she is level voiced, if loud, and speaks quite clearly and easy to be understood. When angered, the Dragon goddess frequently makes her frustration known by letting out loud and powerful roars that can shake the earth. Letting god or mortal alike know exactly where they have crossed a line.


Azrael, the God of Death

Soulmate (Vital)

Towards The Mother of Dragons



The Mother of Dragons

Soulmate (Important)

Towards Azrael, the God of Death




It is said that opposites attract, and that was also the case with the Goddess of Life and the God of Death. Even though both had their affairs with mortals, their love was still pure, making it one of the most famous and powerful bonds of love in history.

Nicknames & Petnames

Angel, Prince, Melady, Soul

The Mother of Dragons

Sister (Important)

Towards King of Gods



King of Gods

Brother (Important)

Towards The Mother of Dragons



Herobrine, the God of Thunder

Brother (Vital)

Towards The Mother of Dragons



The Mother of Dragons

Sister (Vital)

Towards Herobrine, the God of Thunder



Divine Classification
Major Goddess
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Savioress of Dragons, Mother of Dragons, Guardian of Heroes and Peacekeepers, Faith the Mother, Faith the Protector, Faith the Peacebringer, Faith the Dragonmother, Faith the Bringer of life
Realm of Gods
King of Gods (Brother)
one black on the right, one red on the left, pointed
jet black, short, silky, sleek
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
white-red, scaly, slightly tanned
2m (mortal form)
Quotes & Catchphrases
Peace can only be kept with love and acceptance, not with hate.
Known Languages
Like all gods, Faith can be understood by all mortals regardless of what language she speaks and the native language of the speaker.
Ruled Locations

Articles under The Mother of Dragons


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