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Prince Klee Tohlen Vulcangar

Dragon Prince Klee Tohlen Vulcangar- Vulcangar (a.k.a. The Chosen One of the Mother of Dragons)

My first and one of my longest articles which I finally decided to publish. Wow, and wrote it at the beginning of this year. Man, time is fast. Well now just enjoy reading it.     Edit: Picture will be submitted soon (hopefully)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Klee is pretty fit and very agile. He is often plagued headache, pain at the upper and lower back and pain at the knuckles which comes from his condition "The Gift of the Mother of Dragons" which causes quite heavy transformations.

Body Features

Dark red skin out of scales, dark brown short very messy hair, yellow piercing slightly glowing and menacing looking eyes, fit body build, golden sharp nails, sharp teeth

Facial Features

downward-turned lips, S-shaped eyebrows, round, yellow piercing slightly glowing and menacing eyes, almond shaped eyes, dark brown very messy short hair

Identifying Characteristics

big scar over the left eye

Special abilities

Blazing Bolts: Klee is able to project blazing bolts, destructive, incinerating long-range beams of fire.   Fire Absorption: Klee can absorb any amount of flame into his body harmlessly.   Fire Breath: Klee can project his fire from his/ mouth by breathing and exhaling at will, like a dragon.   Fire Projectiles: He can make constructs out of flame (fireballs being the most common) and hurl them at opponents. Also includes shooting a steady stream of fire from his hands.   Pyrokinesis: He is able to telekinetically control and manipulate any fire or flame, even ones he did not manufacture, and utilize them in any way imaginable.   Superhuman Strength: Klee possesses vast superhuman strength, the full limits of which aren't known. At his peak, however, it is known that he is able to lift onto 10 tons.   Superhuman Stamina: Klee's advanced musculature is far more efficient than the musculature of a human being. As a result, his muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of a human. At his peak, he can exert himself physically for up to 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.   Superhuman Durability: Klee's scaly body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional physical injury. He has been shown to withstand falls from tremendous heights, temperature extremes of both hot and cold, great impact forces and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. He can hold his breath for much longer than a human.   Superhuman Longevity: Klee, like all members of his race, has an extraordinarily long lifespan.   Regenerative Healing Factor: In spite of his high resistance, it is possible to cause Klee injury. If injured, his body's superior metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged or destroyed tissues much faster and more extensively than a human being. It is possible for Klee's healing capabilities to regrow severed limbs.   Shape-Shifting: Klee possesses the ability to alter both his physical appearance and size to a considerable degree because of the Gift of the Mother of Dragons. Klee can temporarily make himself look like a dragon hybrid or a full blown red dragon and has demonstrated the ability to increase his overall height from between 1.90 m and 75 m.   Flight: Klee's large, leathery wings in his hybrid and dragon form are able to propel him through the air at great speeds for extended periods of time. While the upper limit of his flight speed isn't exactly known, it is believed to be well under the speed of sound.   Telepathy: Klee has demonstrated that he possesses some degree of telepathic abilities, the full limits of which aren't known. He uses his telepathy to communicate with others and it's also known that he can control the minds of other reptilian life.

Apparel & Accessories

chestplate, helmet, torn black cloak with hood and mask, chainmail, dark brown leather boots, dark brown leather trousers, brown leather belt with sword scabbard, dark blue tunic

Specialized Equipment

Klee owns the sword of the Dragon King, an ancient artifact that once belonged to the first lord of the dragons, who was then called the Dragon King.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Klee was the first person ever who was able to tame a Lion Beast without fighting it and just communicating peacefully with it until he gained its trust and friendship.

Failures & Embarrassments

Klee is the fist Dragonblood that was born with the Gift of the Mother of Dragons in over 500 years which his farther sees as embarrassing because its believed that is a curse and that whoever is born with it will bring an end to the Dragonbloods. Thats why the dragon Lord is so cruel, coldhearted, hard and ruthless towards Klee.

Mental Trauma

At a young age, Klee had to experience the death of his mother at the hands of his father, which caused him to develop a terrible fear of his father and his dark magic and until this day he blames himself for not being able to prevent his mother's death.

Intellectual Characteristics

Klee is adventurous, modest, charming, distant, somewhat intimidating, sensitive, selfless, empathetic, friendly, polite, generous, helpful, a bit impulsive, introverted, mostly silent, vigorous, loyal, brave, appreciative, vigilant, doubtful and reliable

Morality & Philosophy

Klee is strongly against killing others, including his opponents, which is why he usually just knocks them out and doesn't kill them. He only kills when he has no other choice, but then he kills his opponents quickly and painlessly to spare them unnecessary suffering. Klee is also strong against torture no matter how evil or cold a person may be, he believes that they still don't deserve to suffer from torture.


Klee never kills unless he has no other option. If his opponent had to suffer great suffering, Klee would also put an end to the sufferer's life in order to spare them the suffering. He has sworn to never inflict more serious harm on his opponents than is necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Bring the peace back to Nomardia, the words of his mother, his friends, his love, being better than his father


Family Ties

Klee's father is the Dragon Lord Morokanga Golibran Vulcangar the Third. His mother was Lady Kalrula Morigan Vulcangar. Klee has no siblings or other family members because they either live far away in exile and he therefore doesn't know them or because they have already died.
Current Status
On a mission to defeat the Lord of Eternal Darkness and stop his terror over the lands
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dragon Prince, Prince of the Heat desert, Prince, The Chosen One, The Chosen One of the Mother of Dragons, The Successor of the Mother of Dragons, The righteous Prince, The Righteous One, The righteous One of the Mother of Dragons
Date of Birth
19th of Karoka 1489
Dragon Desert
piercing yellow, small, oval
short, dark brown, very messy, bad
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark red, scaly, rough
1.90 m
Quotes & Catchphrases
Feel free to call me devil spawn, I don't care, I'm a Dragonblood and the flame of my courage will never go out! Get up, my friend. As long as your heart still burns you are not going down. I lost my heart on you and even if you don´t care I want you to know that I am always going to protect you. I never had any siblings but you are my first little sister. You let the flame in my heart light up with hope, you awaken the bravery of the dragon inside me, you always saw behind my helmet and you always believed in me. I really don't deserve you. Lilly? It hurts. I would have nearly lost myself but seeing you, hearing your voice it......remembered me who I really are again and what I am fighting for.
Known Languages
Human language, some Elfara, Draconic, broken Orcrun