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Basic Information


Dragonbloods are humanoid in shape with two arms and legs. Their skin consists of very small heat-resistant scales which are either dark red, red, black, orange, dark orange, yellow-orange or white. About body type is very muscular and fit.    Dragonbloods feet end with three strong talon-like claws with a fourth claw in the back, while their hands were similar with three claws with a thumb replacing the rear claw.   The teeth of Dragonbloods consist of golden, very sharp canine teeth.   By some Dragonbloods head features are a blunt snout, a strong brow, and reptilian frills on the cheeks and ears. On the back of the head, a crest of hornlike scales form what resembles a mess of ropy hair.

Biological Traits

Male Dragonbloods are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair.    Female Dragonbloods are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth.    Dragonbloods also have dragonic features such as feet end with three strong talon-like claws with a fourth claw in the back, often dragon-like horns growing on the forehead or the top of the head, with the males having larger horns. Some even have dragon-like heads and tails.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonbloods reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonbloods from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Dragonblood is considered a young adult.    A Dragonblood who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonbloods live in arid, Temperate and volcanic climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All Dragonbloodss are omnivorous like Humans and most other races but most Dragonbloods prefer a carnivorous diet.    They procure their food by hunting and gathering or by raiding settlements, those that live with other races in settlements, such as Humans, will obtain their food the same way as the other race does.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Dragonbloods age, eventually their bodies will reach a point where they can no longer sustain themselves and will eventually die.    However, they live slightly longer lives than some other races such as Humans.


A Dragonbloods behaviour differs between males and females, males are more aggressive and brutish in nature while females are more calm and kinder in nature.    Male Dragonbloods are less likely to cooperate with other races while females are more willing to cooperate and find it easier to interact with other races.    Males will result to violence to solve disputes while females resolve disputes without the need for violence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonbloods live in tribes of 20 to 40, Dragonblood tribes are led by a male Dragonblood, known as the Lord, who is the biggest and strongest among the tribe.   Male Dragonbloods would do the fighting and farming while the females would do the domestic work and child raising.   Though their society is patriarchal male Dragonbloods make up the majority of the population while females make up minority.

Facial characteristics

Some Dragonbloods have as head features a blunt snout, a strong brow, and reptilian frills on the cheeks and ears. On the back of the head, a crest of hornlike scales forms what resembles a mess of ropy hair.   Dragonbloods have all a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green, yellow, black, silver and brown that glow red or gold at the dark.   Some other Dragonbloods have a head like a human with ears, one nose and mouth.   Male Dragonbloods are able to grow facial hair.   Some Dragonbloods have either one or multiple (mostly two) horns on their foreheads or on the top of their heads which are bigger by males.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The most Dragonbloods live at the Dragon Desert, the Vulcanfields or the Dragonic Forrest.    Only a few Dragonbloods live amongs other races in settlements or cities like the Nightfrost Village.

Average Intelligence

Even if the Dragonbloods are mostly focused on fighting and getting stronger, they are quite intelligent and are well known to create and use very effective strategies for combat but also for others things.    Dragonbloods are quite good inventors and combat strategists.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As for their senses, Dragonbloods are superior in most ways to other races - like any predator species, they have exceptionally acute senses, which only increase with age.    Dragonbloods have excellent vision at the dark and some are eve able to see twice as well as a human in daylight.    Dragonbloods can pick up scents very well, using both their sensitive nose and forked tongue, much like a snake.   Their hearing is on par with human hearing. Dragonbloods taste is also refine, although they do strangly respond very well to sweet flavors but most Dragonbloods don't discuss why.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonbloods often have either names that fit their draconic heritage or are names from human cultures.

Beauty Ideals

Dragonbloods beauty ideals are mostly based on their physical appearance, particularly musculature, and an individual's physical strength but rarely even the personality of the individual.

Gender Ideals

Dragonbloods don't treat sexes differently from each other, instead the strength of the individual dictates how they are treated.

Courtship Ideals

Some Dragonbloods to attract mates will show off their strength and battle prowess, while other Dragonbloods will give gifts and compliment to those they are attracted to.

Relationship Ideals

Dragonbloods are monogamous and they highly value the ties between family members.    It is expected for males to work and for females to raise the children and do the housework.    Older siblings are expected to help their mothers with raising the younger siblings as well as help the mother at her workplace.

Average Technological Level

Dragonbloods who live away from civilization have a low level of technology and rely more on their physical abilities and their strength as a tribe. They have access to stone tools, basic metals and wooden tools.    Dragonbloods that integrated into civilization have a high level of technology. They have access to electricity, gunpowder, metal alloys and refined metals, steam power and machinery.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human Language, Draconic

Common Etiquette Rules

Male Dragonbloods are brutish and aggressive towards other males and only treat the strong with respect but they are gentle and very kind towards females, elders, chilrden and the weaker.    Female Dragonbloods are calm and kind and treat most people with respect and will always act friendly towards people but can also become as aggressive and brutish when it comes to their loved ones or they feel threatened.   Dragonbloods treat those who have proven themselves as strong, brave and wise with great respect.

Common Dress Code

Dragonbloods wear very basic clothes and armor, that come in basic colours, with much of their skin exposed.   They will also adorn themselves with piercings such as rings on their ears or on their noses as well as jewellery on their horns.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dragonbloods live in a intersexuel society where both genders are in positions of power. They are known for their superior fighting skills and hunting skills.   Dragonbloods have specific tattoos that would be given to them to at a young age to show what caste they belong to, those being warriors, hunters or priests. Dragonbloods also have tattoos to show their significant accomplishments for example a Dragonblood who slayed a dangerous monster would have a tattoo of the head or skull of the monster.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A common tradition in Dragonblood culture is for parents to teach their children the basics in armed combat and unarmed combat as well as the use of their fire, lava and magma magic.

Common Taboos

Common taboos in Dragonblood society include murder, theft, assault, sexual assault, cannibalism and Others.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dragonbloods are wary towards other races, but their trust can be earned by them. Most other races view Dragonbloods as savage monsters that need to be hunted, though there are others who view them as powerful allies.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Dragon Desert
250 years
Average Height
The average female Dragonblood height is 2.1m and the average male Dragonblood height 2.4 m.
Average Weight
The average female Dragonblood weight is 252‒293 kg and the average male Dragonblood weight is 270‒310 kg.
Average Physique
The average Dragonblood physique is large and either muscular or fat with it varying from being more muscular or fatter.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonbloods scale skin colours range from dark red, red, black, orange, dark orange, yellow-orange, white, silver, grey, scarlet, gold, rust, ocher, bronze, or brown.    Dragonbloods hair colours range from red, blond, brown, white, grey and black.


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