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The Gift of the Mother of Dragons


Heavy growth in young age which causes the carrier of this condition to often reach a much bigger heigh than it is average for their species, very above average fitness headache, pain at the upper and under back part and at the kuckles as "preparation" of the body for the first transformation, very enthanced physicle abilitys, feeling of the bones burning, feeling of sudden growth, develop of pyrokinesis powers, getting angry faster, reacting towards injustice very aggressive and beign very protective towards loved ones


The first phase lasts from birth to near adulthood and only greatly increased growth and development of greatly increased physical abilities occur. The second phase begins in early adulthood and lasts depending on how quickly the body needs to "prepare" for the first transformation. As soon as these "preparations" are completed, the first transformation can happen at any time. It can be triggered by a strong feeling such as anger, fear or courage, but can also be aroused in life-threatening situations by the carrier's survival instinct. The third and final phase, also called "The phase of the true test", occurs during the first transformation and is started by a loud and dragon-like roar that the carrier emits shortly before the first transformation. The carrier will grow the scaly skin, wings, horns and tail of a dragon. Depending on the circumstances, the transformation can be either slow and very painful or very quick and painless. Once the transformation is complete, the carrier goes into a frenzy where he attacks everything and everyone around him - this is the so-called "test". If the carrier manages to regain control of himself and end his frenzy, he will gain the ability to take on this new form whenever he wants and, after a while, to even transform completely into a dragon. However, if he doesn't manage to do so, he remains in his frenzy for a few hours until the body can no longer contain the heat and strength created by the frenzy and the carrier collapses into ashes.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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