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Sir Peter of Parker

Sir Peter van Parker (a.k.a. Old School, Spyder Knight)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peter is a fit young man in good health and the prime of his life. He has a quite big bite mark on his shoulder caused from the spider which sealt is fate. He has wavy to slightly curly brown hair kept loose and at short length in a rather messy style, due to often cutting it with a knife himself rather than visiting a barber.

Identifying Characteristics

Peter has a large bite mark scar on his right shoulder.

Special abilities

Peter can take in his hybrid form the appearance of a humanoid spider covered in brown fur, six arms with three talons on each hand, two insect-like feet with two talons and a head of a spider (Just like Man-Spider). He remains all of his memories and his emotional responses to seeing his loved ones and even his heroic nature but can not communicate through speech. All of his following powers are even more enhanced in this form and he is also able to shoot acid from his mouth, have a Six-eye vision and Unlimited webs in this form.   In both his human and his hybrid form Peter has Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Jumping, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Endurance, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Equilibrium, Wall-Climbing/Wall-Crawling, Spider-Sense, Superhuman Senses and Superhuman Regeneration.

Apparel & Accessories

Knight Armor: Spyder-Knight wears a knightly armor which he probably painted/designed to have visual features of a spider. This armor looks a lot like the original Spider-Man suit from his counterparts from other earths and timelines. This armor also has retractable blades on both of its wrist bracelets.   Civil clothing: When not dressed in his armor as Spyder-Knight, Peter wears a brown tunic, a black leather hose, a pair of dark brown leather boots from his uncle Sir Benjamin van Parker, a brown leatherbelt with a sword holster and a black wildlifecloak with a hood.

Specialized Equipment

Spyder Armor, Sword, Crossbow, Lance

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Knight of the Independent Outcasts of Peace, Nighthunter of the Were Family

Accomplishments & Achievements

He is renowned for his valor, chivalry, and unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent.   Through his unwavering determination, indomitable spirit, and undying loyalty to the realm he swore to protect, Spyder-Knight became a symbol of hope and justice, a legendary figure whose legacy reverberates throughout Nomardia.

Failures & Embarrassments

Miraculously surviving the venomous bite, Sir Peter discovered that he had acquired incredible spider-like abilities. His strength, agility, and reflexes were enhanced beyond human limits.   But sadly this bite also altert himself, turning him into a Werespider, beign forced to turn into a human-spider-hyprid form everytime the fullmoon light shines on him and having to fight the nearly uncontroabale durst for blood that comes after every turn.

Mental Trauma

The first transformation was more than a terrible scenery for Peter. Even if he just ran wildly through the woods of the Moonforest without hurting anyone the pain of the transformation, the blood thrist that came with it and the immense fear of hurting or even killing someone is something he will NEVER forget.

Intellectual Characteristics

Spyder Knight protects those who cannot protect themselves. This was seen when he rescued the townspeople from a Kraken, despite them fearing him.   He is easily amazed by new things, being very interested in meeting other Werebeast, Shifter and any other races and being fascinated by the objects from these races.   Peter is mostly a good hearted and humble soul who trys to do good even with him being a Werespider.

Personality Characteristics


Peter’s motivations are driven by a sense of duty and a desire to do what’s right, even if it comes at a personal cost.
Date of Birth
27th of Arachnarok 1489
The New Village of York
Blue, spider-like
short, brown, slightly messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
1.78m, 2,5m (in hybrid form)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"With great power, there must also come great responsibility."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Bestial, Human language


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