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Basic Information


Wereowls have two forms the first is their humanoid form which are bipedal and have four limbs, two legs and two arms, five digits on each hand and feet and have hairless bodies. They have hair on their heads and males are able to grow facial hair.    The second form, their hybrid form, is also bipedal with four limbs, two owl-like legs and two arms and wings that extend from their back and shoulders. They have five digits on each hand and feet but they have feathers covering their entire body, five claws on their hands and three on their feet with a fourth on the back and a owl head. They are also much larger in their hybrid form.    Experienced Wereowls can transform at will, however, the full moon forces them to transform.

Biological Traits

Male Wereowls are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Wereowls are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth.    Wereolws are forced to change into their hybrid form when exposed to moonlight, but experienced Wereowls are able to change into hybrid form at will. Wereowls are also able to rapidly heal wounds as long as it wasn't made from using silver.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wereowls reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.    Wereowls can create new Wereowl by biting another humanoid, if the victim doesn't get treated before the next full moon, they will become a Wereowl.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wereowls from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Wereowl is considered a young adult. A Wereowl who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

These Werebirds typically inhabit forests in regions with a temperate climate. During daylight hours they roost in very secluded areas.   Wereowls can be found across much of the North like the Moonforest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wereowls in their humanoid form are omnivores that procure their food by hunting and gathering for it. Wereowlss in their hybrid form are carnivores and obtain their food by hunting, their prey can include other races.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Wereowls age and grow until eventually their body reaches a point that they can no longer sustain themselves and die.


Wererowls are careful and secretive, but always abide by local laws and tried to do good whenever possible. They are generous, intelligent and selfless, but also enjoy collecting books, old textes and anything else that helps them to get more knowledge.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most Wereowls roost alone, or near a nest during the breeding season. However, there are a few that roost communally, or share a roosting area with other individuals. Although poorly understood, Wereowls may benefit in one or more ways from sharing the same roost.   Some Wereowls live in herds where there is an Hghter Wereowl that leads the others. The Higher who leads the herd is the most powerful member. A Wereowl can become an Highter when either the original dies or if the Wereowl beats the alpha in a fight thus becoming the new Highter. The moral and ethical outlook of the herd tends to follow that of the Highter.    Some Wereowls don't join herds and instead live solitary lives, these Wereowls are known as lone owls.

Facial characteristics

Wereowls in humanoid form have a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green and brown, and ears with one nose and mouth. Male Wereowls are able to grow facial hair.    Wereowls in hybrid form have a owl head with similar features that a owl would have.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wereowls mostly live in forest and other temperate climate lands like the Moonforest.

Average Intelligence

Wereowls are highly intelligent, and even capable of speaking normaly in their hybrid form.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wereowls have excellent hearing and could move quite quietly. When flying they typically made no noise. Their eyes are capable of seeing in total darkness and low-light conditions.They also uniquely are capable of seeing the ultraviolet spectrum, seeing things clearly from a range of 180 meters and dimly out to 550 meters.    Altogether these senses make it incredibly difficult to sneak up on or surprise owls, whether they be in dark conditions or outside at dusk.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Wereowl names are influenced by Human culture with some elegant sounding names.

Beauty Ideals

Wereowl beauty ideals are based on the physical appearance of an individual and the personality of the individual.

Gender Ideals

In Wereowl society both sexes have equal rights and opportunities.

Courtship Ideals

Wereowls will try to court those they are attracted to by nuzzling them and/or by fighting rivals.

Relationship Ideals

Wereowls are monogamous and have one partner known as a soul mate. Wereowls are very protective of their partner and family. They will fight to the death to protect the ones they love. Same sex marriage is are a bit uncommon in Wereowl society but still welcomed.

Average Technological Level

Wereowls, who live away from civilization, have low levels of technology and rely more on their hybrid form and intelligence. They have access to stone tools, base metals and wooden tools. Wereowls that have integrated into civilization have a high level of technology.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bestial, Human Language, Language of animals

Common Etiquette Rules

Wereowls treat other Wereowls as family members such as siblings, children, parents etc. The Highter of the herd is treated with respect and reverence.

Common Dress Code

Herd Wereowls wear very basic clothes, that come in basic colours, with much of their skin exposed, they will also adorn themselves with bone jewellery.    Civilized Wereowls wear clothes made from fabrics and cloth, that can come in various colours, those that are a part of the nobility wear clothes made from fine fabrics and silk.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Wereowl culture is based on familial bonds and their herd. Wereowls are very protective of their own kind and especially those that are members of their family either by blood or being adopted.    Lone owls are also very protective of their own kind and will help Wereowls that are in trouble. Tribal Wereowls live away from civilization and prefer to keep to themselves living off the land.    Civilized Wereowls adopted the culture they live and are generally more friendly towards people from other races.

Common Taboos

In Wereowl society it is forbidden to betray your herd or cause them harm, this is punishable by death.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Wereowls are wary towards other races, but their trust can be earned by them. Most other races view Wereowls as useless and stupid birds that need to be hunted, though there are others who view them as powerful allies.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
300 years
Average Height
The average female Werewowl height in humanoid form is 1.5‒1.9 m and the average male Wereowl height in humanoid form is 1.7‒2 m. The average female Wereowl height in hybrid form is 2.2m and the average male Wereowl height in hybrid form is 2.4m.
Average Weight
The average female Wereowl weight in humanoid form is 40‒111 kg and the average male Wereowl weight in humanoid form is 56.2‒130 kg. The average female Wereowl weight in hybrid form is 252‒293 kg and the average male Wereowl height in hybrid form is 270‒310 kg.
Average Physique
The average Wereowl physique in humanoid form is lean and very agile. However, their physique can vary from being fatter, thinner and/or muscular. Wereowls in hybrid form are slightly muscular but mostly rather thin and agile and with long limbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wereowl skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown. Wereowl hair colour ranges from red, blond, brown, white, grey and black. A Wereowl feathers colour in hybrid form matches their hair colour in humanoid form.
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