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Basic Information


Weretigers in humanoid form tended to be sleekly muscular, taller than average, and very agile. In this form their voices were said to be husky with a tendency to roll their r's. Weretigers, in this form, are indistinguishable from normal humans, though some possess features that reflect their animal side, such as a glassy stare, hair or beards with resemblance to a ruff or with light and dark striped patterns.    In hybrid form their ears, nose, and teeth became more tiger-like - though the eyes and overall shape of the head was still humanoid. Their legs became more feline, forcing them to walk on their toes. Their nails grow out into claws and a 0.91 meters long tail extended from their spines.    In tiger form, they are only distinguishable from normal tigers by their superior intellect. Some Weretigers, just like other Werebeasts, can partially shapeshift, adapting elements of one form while in another form. All werebeasts can sense one another with their normal senses.

Biological Traits

Male Weretigers are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Weretigers are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth.    Weretigers are forced to change into their cat form when exposed to moonlight, but experienced Weretigers are able to change into cat form at will. Weretigers are also able to rapidly heal wounds as long as it wasn't made from using silver.

Genetics and Reproduction

Weretigeresses were typically known to bear one to two cubs. Such cubs were born in their hybrid state and at about three months old they usually shapeshift into a human toddler, though they would already appear human if born to a human mother.

Growth Rate & Stages

They matured at a faster rate than humans, crawling within days and walking within a month. At age 6 they were capable of transforming into a fully humanoid form and at age 12 gained access to their full-tiger forms.

Ecology and Habitats

Weretigers are rarely found living in cities or large towns, as doing so would make it difficult to hide their true nature. Whenever encountered in such a setting they were likely on an errand, mission, or celebration. They instead preferred to live in cabins near human settlements that they kept well maintained. These typically featured small gardens of herbs or vegetables, as well as poultry and a variety of cats. Weretiger prides or families could often be found in jungles. Although most of them were solitary, and avoided contact, a few evil Weretigers saw explorers as a kind of sport to hunt, which they did by posing as normal humans to lure people into their traps. This was seen as justified by them, as they believed it villainous for people to plunder their land.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Weretigers in their humanoid and hybrid form are omnivores that procure their food by hunting and gathering for it. Weretigers in their tiger form are carnivores and obtain their food by hunting, their prey can include other races.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Weretigters age, eventually their bodies will reach a point where they can no longer sustain themselves and will eventually die. However, they live much longer lives than some other races such as Humans.


Weretigers often pick up some personality traits from their feline sides. They tend to be patient and watchful, seeing much and saying little. Some have a strong protective streak, while others are consummate predators, only doing what seems advantageous to them. Most are playful and affectionate when relaxed. Some Weretigers are also often known to be arrogant perfectionists.    Out of all lycanthropes, they are considered the most adaptable, feeling equally at home in the company of humans and monsters.They also were generally disinterested in spreading their curse, for they viewed the propagation of Weretigers as the creation of more competition for territory and prey.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tigers are solitary but social predators. Perhaps as a result, Weretigers never seem to be present in numbers, but they always become a fixture of the social groups they are in. Although they can take the lead if need be, they are usually content to be a part of the pride, whatever form that pride might take.

Facial characteristics

Weretigers in humanoid form have a pair of eyes, that come in various colours such as blue, green and brown, and ears with one nose and mouth. Male Weretigers are able to grow facial hair. Weretigers in hybrid and tiger form have a tiger head with similar features that a tiger would have.

Average Intelligence

Weretigers in their humanoid and hybrid form have a high level of intelligence and are known to be one of the more intelligent races found on Nomardia. Weretigers in their tiger form, are also quite intelligent but are often mainly driven by their instincts, especially during a full moon, however, more experienced Weretigers are able to control these base instincts except for during a full moon.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Weretigers, like all cats, can see extremely well in low light, due to the unique retro-reflector membrane behind their retinas, and the ability to lens their irises into slits, or dilate them completely. Their whiskers are tactile sensory organs that allow them to navigate even in total darkness. They are excellent visual hunters who can see at only one-sixth the light level required for human vision.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bestial, Human Language, Language of animals

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Weretigers were treated in a friendly manner by most feline species, though were rarely found in the company of actual tigers.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
The Urbane Jungle
500 years
Average Height
The average female Weretiger height in humanoid form is 1.8‒2.1 m and the average male Weretiger height in humanoid form is 1.8‒2.2 m. The average female Weretiger height in cat form is 2.4m and the average male Weretiger height in cat form is 2.55m.
Average Weight
The average female Weretiger weight in humanoid form is 40‒111 kg and the average male Weretiger weight in humanoid form is 56.2‒130 kg. The average female Weretiger weight in cat form is 252‒293 kg and the average male Weretiger height in cat form is 270‒310 kg.
Average Physique
The average Weretiger physique in humanoid form is lean and slightly muscular. However, their physique can vary from being fatter, thinner and/or muscular. Weretigers in tiger and hybrid form are very muscular with long limbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Weretigers may display either orange and white fur with distinctive triangular black-brown stripes, or white fur with similar stripes, in their tiger and half-tiger forms, and their eyes are usually ice blue or emerald green.    Weretiger skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown, Weretiger hair colour ranges from red, blond, brown, white, grey and black.
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