Advent Bakery Building / Landmark in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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Advent Bakery

The Advent Bakery is a bakery that sells sweet treats and savoury bakes in the North Side of Dustbane City. They aim to make their customers feel refreshed and energised, ready for a new adventure.  



  • Sausage rolls: Baked and sold on the same day
  • Meat/Vegan pastries: Baked in store and sold fresh
  • Express Cakes: Feel energised after a quick bite
— Advent Bakery Menu


  • Foamy Chocolate: Slow-release hot chocolate to keep you going throughout the winter days
  • XenoBurst: High-energy soft drink for quick bursts of energy (don't forget to shake first!)
  • Peace Tea: Peach tea to unwind after a busy day
  • Simply Coffee: Lightly caffeinated to get you through the day (all types available)
— Advent Bakery Menu

Purpose / Function

The Advent Bakery was built as a place for people to keep warm during the harsh winter months at Dustbane, while enjoying sweet treats. Soon, the idea caught on and a group of Ergokines got together and opened the business, using their powers to serve the wider community. There aren't that many items on the menu yet, because the place is still quite new, but it has gained many loyal customers.   The reason it was named Advent Bakery was because every day, there was an extra treat and drink that was made but wasn't on the main menu. It gave its customers something to look forward to every day.


In its most recent investment, the Advent Bakery added a lounge where tourists and weary travellers can chat and have a drink. Even if no-one buys anything, for most people, the calm atmosphere is enough after a long day, or even as a morning visit.
Parent Location

Cover image: Advent Bakery (Midjourney) by LittleRaider


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