Dustbane Inn Building / Landmark in Nonagarn | World Anvil
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Dustbane Inn

Dustbane Inn is a large caravanserai where people can rest after entering Dustbane City. It is near the Midway Point, and is close to the City Centre in Northern Dustbane.   Alternatively, it is also one of the places where journalists interview people, because most of the rooms are soundproof and there's a bit more privacy than in other places.  

Types of Room

One-Night Rooms

These are the most popular rooms at the inn. Dustbane City has a lot of harsh weather conditions, so the inn lets everyone stay free for one night. Dinner is also included in this plan. However, if someone wants to stay the night after, then they'll have to pay before the end of the day.  

Budget Rooms

These are the cheaper rooms for those who need a place to stay for a few nights. They are at the back of the caravanserai and are the closest rooms to the city centre. For these rooms, there is no need to book in advance. People can just turn up and book a warm room.  

Luxury Rooms

These are the premium rooms at Dustbane Inn. There aren't that many of them, but each room is in it's own corner, away from the crowd and the noise.  

South Side Guests

Every few weeks, certain guests visit Dustbane Inn to surprise (or annoy) the people staying there. They can do anything from playing karaoke to staging snowball fights. These guests are often people from the South Side, who are looking for people to sell their goods to. Although the inn has tried to crack down on these people, some may still be a nuisance to others.
Alternative Names
The Inn
Parent Location


Dustbane Inn currently accepts payments in the pliro or the element, but more currenices will be accepted in the future. These may be paid either by cash or card.


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