Olivya Dain

Olivya Dain

Olivya Dain is the current Ruler of Haram Bay. She has been in charge of the city since her father died. She is instrumental in running of the port, due to the contact that she maintains off island, creating avenues to sell the stolen cargos that the Pirate patrons of the city bring to port.
  Olivya has a reputation of ruthlessness with those who cross her. Not only does she control who can sell and buy in the port, she has several bodyguards that protect her personally. She also employs Rex Mooring one of the most dangerous pirates to frequent Haram Bay, who act's as her enforcer on the seas around the islands.
  Olivya also has a deal with the local Sahuagin to leave the town alone, and assist incoming ships navigate the deadly reefs that surround the island. For these reasons Olivya has been able to maintain control of the port city, even against the ruthless Pirates who sometime resent that the city is in the hands of a young woman.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Olivya is a very attractive young woman. She is physically fit and keeps herself in good shape. She has a slight athletic build normal for a fencer.

Apparel & Accessories

Olivya dresses more like a pirate than a nobles daughter. She often wears trousers, and a man's shirt with a leather corset. She tends to keep the top of her shirt open enough to show ample cleavage. She carries a Rapier and Dagger.

Specialized Equipment

Olivya wears a silver band ring with Bronze dragon designs inlaid into the ring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olivya was born in Haram's Bay and was sent away to the Seaport Academy when she was around 10 years old. There she received an expensive education in several subjects, including some instruction in sword use.
  Her father's intention was always to provide a large Dowry and marry her to a Nobel Family. Olivya had a different idea. She stowed away on a ship heading back to Haram's Bay, and insisted that her father teach her the business. She convinced him that the knowledge would help her on the mainland protect his interests, with his contacts and he reluctantly agreed.
  Eventually her learning became invaluable to her father, and she soon found herself invited to meeting with very dangerous people. She learned all the intricacies of the smuggling business and how pirates operated, and as a young attractive woman, she also made many contacts of her own among the crews and captains.
  When her father died of a sickness, she was able to step right into his place and take over Haram Bay. Not only was she able to perform all the functions her father could, she was able to solidly her hold on the city even further, by nurturing contacts, and creating situations where her existence was crucial to Haram Bay.


While publicly Olivya is cold and seemily unfeeling, there are rumors that she is not above using her body to get what she wants. There are also rumors that she has a mistress that she is very close to.


Olivya spent 6 years at the Seaport Academy learning all manner of things. Her focus was business and politics, but she proved to be a promising pupil, and was also taught many other subjects, such as history, philosophy and even some physical skill such as sword training.
  Olivya is extremely intelligent, and has spent her time after the academy continuing to expand her knowledge. She takes time to talk to all manner of people that put into port in Haram Bay, learning about where they come from, what they do, etc.

Accomplishments & Achievements

After her father's death, everyone expected one of his assistants to take over the business and send Olivya back to the mainland. All were surprised when she took over his office and meeting, and seamlessly carried on with business. The thought that a woman, and one as young at Olivya (Who was only 26 at the time) could hold a place of power amongst some of the most dangerous and ruthless sailor in Aranthar was absolutely unexpected. in those intervening years, she has made Harams Bay even more profitable and increased her wealth and influence. She is easily one of the most influential people in Aranthar.
  Several people have tried to remove her and take her place, but all have failed for various reasons.

Failures & Embarrassments

While unconfirmed there are rumors that Olivya was able to secure the support of Captain Mooring by seducing the Pirate. This has led to people saying she keeps her position by using her sexuality as a tool, however not in her hearing.

Intellectual Characteristics

Olivya is logical and practical. She does not spend time on fantasies, but instead uses her knowledge to put herself and Haram Bay in a advantagous position.

Morality & Philosophy

Olivya has a reputation of being Ruthless. She is a hard negotiator when it comes to business matters and has no problems using her position to get the best deal for herself. If this mean undervaluing a Captain's Cargo because she knows that she is the only one he can sell to, she will do so, paying him just enough to make the transaction worthful to him.
She also is known for eliminating her enemies, or those who cross her. She had made public examples of having those that disrespect her beaten almost to death and she has had people silent taken care of when it was most advantageous to do so. She has also had whole ships sunk as example of what happens to captains who try to cross her.
  Olivya dosen't seem to struggle with good of evil. She does what she things needs to be done to protect herself and Haram Bay.

Personality Characteristics


Olivya gave up a life of luxary for the ability to choose her own destiny. She feels that the power she has in Haram Bay is more than anything she would have been able to get on the mainland and she will do anyhting to protect that and her status.
  Even more important to Olivya is the freedom to be able to choose her own path in life. If that was ever put at risk, she would give up her place in Haram Bay.


Contacts & Relations


Olivya has numerous contacts with different trading companies that operate all over Aranthar. These relationships are not public though. Olivya uses these contacts to find buyers for the cargos that she obtains from he pirates that put into port.


Olivya has an unusual relationship with the native Mocar on the Island. While she is basically working them like slaves, she also provides for them making sure they have food and shelter and giving them good that she gets from the cargos she buys, that they would not be able to get elsewhere. She also protects them from Pirates making sure they aren't taking liberties with them. Because of this many of the Mocar look at her as a benefactor.
Not all of the Mocar think of her fondly, as some of them have seen the Mocar taking jobs as servants and in the brothels where they are being exploited. Some tribes have even rebelled and hide in the forests looking for way of freeing their people.   Olivya also chooses several Mocar a few times a year and send them to the Seaport Academy where they can learn a profession. The Mocar are often trying to gain her favor so she will pick them or their family members.  

Haram Bay Residents

Like the Mocar, the residents of the Haram Bay have mixed feeling about Dain. Many of them are able to make a decent living here and approve of the way she handles the city and the business, but there are some who do not like the idea of a woman being in charge of a Pirate port, especially one who has never crewed or captained her own ship.  


When the pirates that frequent Haram Bay heard that Olivya Dain had taken over the port, they thought they had hit the lottery. They assumed they would be able to intimidate her into buying their cargos for exorbitant prices. They were quickly disabused of that notion as she turned out to be an even harder business woman than her father. She had no issues using the fact that she was the only place many of them could sell their good, by offering much less than they were worth. This displease many of the pirates, but they have had little choice as there are very few places where they can sell, and none of them close.
The Sahuagin have a business relationship with Olivya where they guide ships into the islands, past the dangerous reefs that surround the Shoals Additionally Dain can all on them to help her defend the island if it is ever attacked, or to gain their assistance for other items. What the Sea Devils get out of the arrangement, is unknown.

Family Ties

Olivya's mother died when she was just a girl, and her father died when she was 27 from a sickness.

Religious Views

Olivya gives lip service to all the Gods


Olivya Dain


Towards Rex Mooring


Rex Mooring


Towards Olivya Dain


Marcus Prescott


Towards Olivya Dain


Olivya Dain


Towards Marcus Prescott




Towards Olivya Dain


Olivya Dain


Towards Zanele


Jonathan Finch


Towards Olivya Dain


Olivya Dain


Towards Jonathan Finch


Wealth & Financial state

As the ruler of Haram Bay, Olivya is a very rich woman and has a lot of resources as her disposal.
Character Location
View Character Profile
Current Location
Date of Birth
11th day of the Dryad, 843
Haram Bay
Current Residence
Haram Bay
Long Blond Hair, usually worn down
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
The World of Nor


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