Church of Combined Faiths

A Haven for the Faithful

  Worship of the gods has been a key facet in the lives of most Risen since their inception. Their divine creators gave them their very existence as well as the resources to forge their own lives. However, the discovery that the gods are not omnipotent or planned on having a physical presence in all of their lives, brought difficulties when it came to earning their favor and blessings. That was until Mortair, a first-generation Dahlen, invented rituals and constructed the first altar to Sturn. She would later ascend to godhood, spreading the act of ritual worship and the construction of altars throughout the world. Altars and shelters to house them were constructed in nearly every Risen community. In the year 300 AR, the first Church of Combined Faiths would be constructed in Sicerrone.   The Church of Combined Faiths holds a straightforward name to denote its purpose -- a building to house altars and worship many different gods. Almost the entire pantheon of Nora can be found within its walls at separate altars dedicated to their specific worship. Most structures will have several small altars spread evenly throughout a large hall with a single priest attached to watch over the building. Larger versions of the church typically located within capitals feature more elaborate altars, sometimes within their own halls if the god is favored well enough in the surrounding territory. These larger ones can occasionally afford multiple priests to watch over the altars and provide guidance to visitors. The church has established itself as a cornerstone of society in all developed nations outside of Nechestivy and Das Konigreich.   Each church now acts as a sacred ground through the blessings of the gods and the perseverance of the priests who maintain them. Violence is not allowed on church grounds, even for followers of the God of War Orloch. When donations to the church surpass that which is necessary to keep it operating, they will often offer food to the hungry and shelter them within their walls. Each church is often granted subsidies from their local government in exchange for their charitable efforts. All faiths and followers loyal to the Noran pantheon are welcome within the church. It is only outright acts of disdain or heresy that can earn the ire of the church and a banishment from within its walls.   In any land that welcomes and supports the Church of Combined Faiths, heresy against the gods, divine creators of the Risen, is seen as a cardinal sin and treated with extreme prejudice.
Early Favoritism
  When the first church was constructed within Sicerrone, long grudges from the populace due to pre-existing conflicts still held. With Sturn's betrayal of Artur, favored patron of La Patria, alongside wars between La Patria and Nioyaathep, worship of Sturn and Dahlia was not allowed within the halls of the church. These prejudices held true for centuries as the grudges of mortals are not to be taken lightly.   In the year 862 AR, worship of Sturn and Dahlia was welcomed into the Church of Combined Faiths. The humans and Ehlen present throughout the world had grown past most of their previous beliefs and Dahlen had begun to earn their place inside La Patrian cities. Many priests and citizens of all races began to advocate for fairer treatment and the freedom for Dahlen to worship their creator. Many churches today contain altars and attendants to the gods of the Dahlen. Although not every church holds an altar for each god in the pantheon, often claiming this is due to lack of space and resources to accommodate so many, the major deities of Nora all have a home within the walls of the church.   Naturally, worship of outsider deities such as greater fae or devils still remains forbidden.


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