Göttsturms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Nora | World Anvil


Wrath of the Stormbird

  The Göttsturms are the collected series of thunderstorms and tornadoes that have been plaguing Das Konigreich and the surrounding seas for more than a millennium. Known simply as the God Storms throughout the rest of Nora, these storms were originally inflicted by the god Rufio with Jerun's support back in the first century of the Age of Risen Expansion. What was once a divine punishment is now a natural law of the land as the storms have raged for over 1400 years and have not shown any signs of stopping.   They are largely categorized by oversized thunderclouds that stretch up to one hundred miles and cover entire valleys and plains with blankets of lightning and torrents of wind. The tornadoes that can often accompany these thunderstorms stretch over a thousand yards and can travel dozens of miles, nearly mapping the full length of the storms. Both the lightning strikes and the tornadoes are followed by heavy deluges of rain that often cause flash floods throughout the surrounding area. Without taking appropriate travel measures to absorb or divert the storms' wrath, it is viewed as a certain death to cross through affected lands.   After over a millennia of the storms raging across the landscape, the environment of Das Konigreich has been permanently altered. Most of the land between the mountains has been scarred with ancient trails where lightning has burned the surface. Traditional farmland is almost non-existent throughout the country and the few forests left surrounding the central mountain range have become veritable wetlands in their own right. Many Magickal Beasts have also evolved to live in this new environment, from the Thundermoles and their multitude of tunnels and pitfalls, to the dreaded Kaiser Drakes that stalk as the deadliest beasts on land.

Origins of the Storms

  Rufio, in his godlike apathy, ignored the land of Das Konigreich and deprived it of the necessary rain seasons in favor of spending his time with his fellow god Jerun and attending to the Risen that worshipped him more openly. The leaders of Das Konigreich chose to spurn the Stormbird, demanding a return to fair and favorable weather. Their claim was that if the Risen were truly meant to survive on their own, they shouldn't have to offer overt worship to Rufio in order to keep their weather in the status quo. This demanding attitude was what triggered Rufio to create the Göttsturms. The God of Storms is known the world round as a fickle god, though no one expected him to unleash a millennium-long blight against an entire country. Citizens of Das Konigreich to this day have chosen to embrace their fate, continuing to develop magickal apparatus and technology capable of diverting the storms until every inch of their land can be reclaimed.


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