
Hound of the Realms

  The people of Das Konigreich have been plagued by a host of magickal beasts since the inception of the country, and this was only exacerbated by the host brought forth by the Göttsturms. What they didn't expect was to find one of the most loyal companions they could have asked for.   Reichshunds, meaning 'hounds of the realm' in the common tongue, are known for their signature ability of realm-walking. They are able to phase from their native home in the Realm of the Gods into other realms for a brief period, reappearing in a location near the one in which they left. This was confirmed to be the answer for their disappearances much later after their discovery when Ehlen confirmed one to return with foliage from the Fae Realm caught in their fur. Although their ability to travel into other realms has been so far unconfirmed, the belief in their ability to do so remains.   These beasts are a species of magickal beasts that resemble great danes in size and shape with shaggier fur. These beasts stand a little taller than three feet at the shoulder and the males can weigh up to two hundred pounds, while the females are often a little smaller. They can also possess between two or three tails which has been a common matter of debate amongst researchers. Some believe that the tails denote better stock in genetics with the three-tailed breed being superior, while others believe the tails represent the number of realms they can travel between. Their coloring has evolved to range from their traditional solid black and brown coats to spotted and striped variations.   The loyalty of the breed is unquestionable, matching most desired canine companions. Reichshunds bond to their owners quickly at a young age and develop lifelong bonds with them. Their status in society has evolved from status symbols to fierce guardians, to beloved pets. Rare is the owner of a Reichshund who would regret their decision in their companion.
A Prestigious Partner
  Originally discovered by hunters outside of Waldburg, the first Reichshund were standoffish but not openly aggressive towards Risen and observed them at a distance as they hunted. Early trapping efforts proved to be fruitless as they would simply disappear from any cage or chain and reappear several feet away in but a few seconds.   Domestication attempts were only successful when done through means of kindness and offerings of food. These first domesticated hounds were offered to King Franz IV as a gift and their descendants have been associated with the monarchy and Das Konigreich nobles ever since.   Other nobles throughout Nora have also sought out these beasts to have as pets of their own to establish them as a symbol of status, from the councils of Ignosi to the court of Findolyr.


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