Lantis Archipelago

The nation of Shurrea encompasses the entirety of the Lantis Archipelago. Foreign shipping is welcome to visit ports on all the outer islands, but are prohibited from approaching the main central island. Foreigners can visit the main island on a Shurrean vessel, but only with advance written permission. Such visitors are also required to be escorted by a government official at all times. Punishment for violating these restrictions are quite severe.   Foreign visitors report that few cities are visible on the main island at the distances they must keep from the shore. However, they have reported what appears to be extensive farmland on the lower slopes of the central mountain, Erekas. It is generally thought that most Shurreans avoid living on the main island due to fear of landslides on Erekas itself.   The Olympian gods are popular in Shurrean, especially ╠Hecate╣, and the great height of Erekas leads to comparisons with Olympus itself. However, the priests and priestess are quick to refute such comparisons, and make it abundantly clear that Olympus is one of the Upper Planes, and not an ice-covered mountain here on Norath.


The Lantis Archipelago is located in the center of the Inner Sea. It is approximately 80 miles across, with a 40 mile diameter central main island surrounded by arc-shaped, narrow, mountainous islands forming a broken circle around it.   The outer islands are all about 10 miles wide, and range from 15 to 40 miles long. Most major ports and cities are on the interior of the these islands, facing the main island. This provides a measure of shelter from storms and high seas.   The inner island is dominated by a huge, steeply sloped mountain called Erekas. Starting about halfway up the slope, the air is cold enough that snow and ice is present all year round. Beyond the snow band, the broad, jagged peak of the Erekas appears to be bare stone. Some scholars theorize that the air is so thin at that altitude that the ice evaporates even at the extremely cold temperatures there.
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Mystery Lights

Some visitors have claimed to have seen lights moving near the peak of Erekas at night. When they asked Shurreans about the lights, they say that the natives warned them in strident terms to never look at those lights, and to instead pretend that they didn't notice them. No explanation was given for this.

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