Inner Sea


The Inner Sea is a roughly circular body of water, about 2,400 miles across. It joins to the Solaran Sea to the west, the Frost Sea to the north, and the Steaming Sea to the south. Most of the coastline around the sea is marked by concentric ridges of hills and mountains. Some sectors of the coast have a string of islands just offshore in arc aligned around the center of the sea. In the center of the sea is the Lantis Archipelago.   According to pre-Shattering maps which have been recovered, the Inner Sea used to be only about 2/3 its current size. It was also more irregular in shape, and its only outlet was to the Frost Sea in the north. The name "Inner Sea" was derived from the fact that it was almost entirely land-locked. The Shattering caused some coastlines to sink, while pushing other coasts back hundreds of miles. The shock-waves also raised the Lantis Archipelago.
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