
This ancient dwarven settlement and mine has been abandoned since at least The Shattering, if not earlier. More research of surviving records in the settlement (if any) will be needed to determine when it was last occupied by living residents. The sections explored thus far are overrun with undead.


In a few scattered ancient texts, Phandelver is described as both a rich mine and a forge of powerful magical weapons. The chronicles of the God Wars mention several weapons which were forged there, though it is not clear whether the weapons were recently made, or were made long before the date of the texts.   Lost for at least two thousand years, Phandelver was rediscovered by the Rockseeker brothers. These Pharesian dwarves discovered clues to the settlement's location by noting the similarity of the names of Phandalin and Phandelver.   While Gundren Rockseeker was in Westport gathering supplies and mercenaries to bring them to Phandalin, a drow woman calling herself the Black Spider ambushed the two brothers at Phandelver, claiming the ruins for herself.  However, it was later revealed that she was in fact a half-orc magically disguised as a drow.   Gundren recruited a mercenary band known as The Scurry to rescue his brothers and defeat the drow (who wasn't really a drow) and her minions. The Rockseeker brothers then offered The Scurry a 5% share of future profits to clear the rest of the settlement of undead. Now safe to enter, Phandelver is being restored by a band of Pharesian dwarves, led by the Rockseeker brothers.


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