
The Kingdom of Pharesia occupies the region known as The Gold Coast along the south-eastern shore of the Solaran Sea. Despite its modest size, it is one of the wealthiest nations in the Known World. Pharesian merchant ships can be found everywhere in the Known World, and it is said that many nations depend on Pharesian banks for their finances.

Public Agenda

Pharesia has tried to remain neutral in conflicts between other nations. This allows their merchant fleet to continue trading with both parties of the conflict, which in turn brings coin into Pharesian coffers.   Although Pharesia maintains a small standing army and navy, they rely heavily (more so than their neighbors) on hiring mercenary companies for specific tasks. These include escorting merchant convoys into potential war zones, and fighting piracy. It was a contract with one of these mercenary companies which led to the creation of the kingdom of Wallacia.   Although many Pharesians still view Wallacia as a rebellious territory which was "bought and paid for" by a mercenary contract, officially at least the kngdom now recognizes it as a legitimate fellow kingdom. Pharesia sees Wallacia as a counter to efforts by the Valaran Empire to control the shipping lanes to the Inner Sea.


The multitude of navigable ports and rich fishing grounds offshore have led Pharesia to become a nation of sailors. As exports grew, this in turn led to Pharesia developing the largest merchant fleet in the Known World.   This large fleet is also mostly comprised of a Pharesian-specific style of merchant ship. Although not particularly fast nor combat-capable, they have proven to be dependable and economical cargo carriers. So far the shipwrights of competing nations have been unable to successfully copy the features of the Pharesian merchant ships.   However, the greatest asset of Pharesia is not recognized by most governments or scholars of the Known World: its legal system. The Pharesian laws governing property rights, investments and banking, and business contracts are main engines of its economic wealth, and not its farmland or fishing grounds.


After The Shattering, the changed geography and weather patterns of the Known World blessed the area of the Gold Coast with fair weather, fertile farmland, and rich fishing grounds offshore. The local population quickly rebounded, and the numerous inlets and bays encouraged them to begin trading with their less fortunate neighbors across the Solaran Sea.   In time, various villages and cities grew into city-states. The five largest merchant cities joined together, initially in a loose alliance, and later into a single confederacy. This confederacy came to dominate the entire Gold Coast area, eventually absorbing the other city-states. Over time, the confederacy evolved into the modern kingdom of Pharesia. The rulers of the largest dozen or so city-states became the nobility of this new kingdom.   As the Pharesian shipping industry grew, the kingdom became increasingly interested in combating naval piracy. The government gave official sanction to a group of merchants who hired mercenaries to raid known pirate bases of operation. Once such privately-funded raid led to the creation of of the kingdom of Wallacia. This new nation quickly became an economic success, a success which was not shared with the merchants who provided funding to the mercenaries. These merchants brought their grievances to the Pharesian government, which then sought to apply pressure on Wallacia.   Although tensions never arose to open warfare, there were a number of incidents (including a coup attempt) which Wallacia blamed in part on Pharesia. However, the growing threat of Valaran attempts to control the Solaran Sea have put Pharesia's issues with Wallacia on the back burner, at least for now.

Pharesian Flag

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
City-States of the Gold Coast, Merchant Princes


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