Wallacian Campaign Session #32

General Summary

Note: This session was run using the Fantasy Hero 6th Edition rule-set.
  • The party discovered one survivor of the previous expedition from Phaandelver locked in a crude wooden cage. He said his name was Chewy, and that everyone else from the first expedition was killed and eaten by the cave-goblins. He also told the party that the goblins the party had just defeated were the weak ones who remained in camp while the larger, stronger goblins were out hunting.
  • The party found tracks of the larger goblins leading into and out of multiple passageways. Following what appeared to be the most recent tracks, they headed down a long, winding cavern.
  • Despite carrying a lantern in order to see, the party managed to surprise a goblin war-band returning to their camp. However, the goblins also managed to surprise the party, so the battle was joined at relatively close range.
  • These goblins were stronger than the first group, but still no match for the party. After killing or knocking out all the goblins, they revived one for questioning.
  • The goblin was named U'lak. When asked who was the chief of his tribe, he looked at all the dead goblins around him, and announced that he was now chief.
  • U'lak told the party that the tunnel they were traveling along led to the City of the Grey Ones. By his description, the party deduced that he was talking about Drow elves.
  • Drow have had little to no interaction with the surface world since the Shattering. Legends say that the gods of the drow did not join with the gods of humans, surface elves, dwarves, etc. at the end of the God Wars to fight against the Lich Queen, though it is not clear why.
  • Legends portray the Drow as evil and untrustworthy. Also, some rumors claim that the wealth of Pharesia is due to unscrupulous trade deals with the Drow.
  • The party decided to return to Phandelver to report to Gundren Rockseeker what they had learned. Gundren paid them each 10 gold as previously agreed, but did not seem pleased to hear about the Drow as neighbors.
The Wallacian campaign is now going on hiatus. In the interim, Evan will be running a Champions super-hero campaign in this time slot. Will he have a World Anvil site for his campaign world? ;)

Rewards Granted

Each character earned 2 Character Points.    Each character was paid 10 gold for reporting to Gundren Rockseeker what they had learned in the Underdark.

Missions/Quests Completed

Scouted the Underdark near the docks of Phandelver.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
25 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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