Wallacian Campaign Session #23

General Summary

Due to a severe case of writer's block, the notes for this session will be more of an outline and not a narrative description of the events.  
Riswynn followed Marcus Dendrar to a small apartment building just outside the dwarven neighborhood in Westport. She did not follow him into the building.   With Almalexia being uncharacteristically quiet, the party loosed the purse-strings on their shared funds, and purchased a Potion of Maximum Power for 1400 gold at the Dendrar family apothecary.   When asked about spell components, Mirna Dendrar directed them to the Pegasus Quill stationer's shop across from the Westport Academy.   At the Westport palace, they met with constable Otis Clarkson.
  • He was suspicious of their description of "Black Bart" Haskill's escape, as it mirrored his previous escape from a Westland chain-gang.
  • He recognized Koravhik, and said that Lord Nikola Tolk had been warning people not trust him or his "band of ruffians".
  • They party learned where the Haskill clan makes their home, in the northwest hills of Westland.
  • Otis said that he would be sending a letter to the townmaster of Phandalin explaining his suspicions.
  • Since Jimbo Haskill was accused of a crime in the Province of Phandalin and Thundertree, not Westland, he ordered the party to release him.
Down near the docks, Riswynn reported the dragon's destruction of the keel-boat she was in to the Likus family, relatives of the dead boat captain.   The party then traveled to Blackrock.   Met with Cassandra Thorrindal at the Capaldi Fencing Academy:
  • When presented with the Grimoire of the Ebon Rose, Cassandra brought out an iron box inscribed with arcane protective runes. She asked the party to palce the book into the box, then she closed and locked the box. She commented that this should keep it secure until she has time to take proper protective measures to open and read it.
  • When told about Almalexia's shenanigan's with the Grimoire, Cassandra seemed shocked and alarmed, and commented in Elvish "This is further evidence of why you should never trust a fey."
  • As previously agreed, she removed the curse from Squirrelly's magic sword the following day.
  • As the favor she promised for delivery of the Grimoire, the party requested that she supply a fire elemental to power the smelter at Phandelver.
  • Cassandra mentioned that she needed to head back to her family holdings in the northernmost principality of Thorrinstadt soon, in order to attend the annual harvest-time military exercises and celebrations. However, she said that she might be able to squeeze it into her schedule.
  • Almalexia mentions the possibility of creating a new principality in the Province of Phandalin and Thundertree. Countess Thorrindal then informed the party that both Harbin Wester and Halia Thorton have been taking credit for their accomplishments in taming the province.
  • Silvermoon realized that some of Halia's reports had to have traveled from Phandalin to Blackrock faster than they had journeyed by road. She recalled that thieves guilds seem to have a covert means of communicating over long distances.
Silvermoon went to the Blackrock records office and used Thieves Cant (and a small gold "gratuity") to convince archivist Edith Wynn to expedite their title searches on the Sleeping Giant inn and the ruined manor in Phandalin.   Val went with his horse to the temple of Mielikki in Blackrock. It's a small wooded plot of land on the edge of the Temple Square, surrounded by a stone wall. The wall is faced with smooth, square blocks on the outerface, but rough-hewn, almost random stones on the inner face.   The party returned to Westport, intending to obtain a boat to transport them upriver to search for "Black Bart" Haskill in his home territory.  
  • Koravhik asked some of his old army buddies about Lord Nikola Tolk's whereabouts. They told him that Tolk, along with the entire company that he commanded, had been moved to a post just north of Smuggler's Fen at the south end of Westland. Korvhikd recalled that rotating entire military units like that was unusual at this time of year, as they normally did such moves in conjunction with the fall harvest or spring planting seasons.

Rewards Granted

All active player characters were milestoned to level 8.   The curse was removed from Squirrelly's magic sword.
Report Date
10 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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