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The Founders

The Founders are the largest political faction in Norden, led by Sara Olsen. The faction established 31 years ago in year 2314 as they were opposed to The Equal School Bill proposed by The Nordic Coalition, the largest party at the time. A Bill to demand that hearers should have the right to take part of their elementary school in spoken language and be allowed to found hearer-only-schools. The Founders opined that the Bill would be devestating for the deaf and Norden as a nation because of three main points.
    • Schools would be forced to only hire hearers as teachers, since it would be inefficient to have different teachers for hearers and deaf.
    • Nordish would risk losing it's role as official language since hearers wouldn't be encouraged to learn it.
    • Hearers would create a seperate community and not take part of Nordens history, it's people and the deaf culture creating a segregated country. 

  Initially The Founders would not gain much support for their politics, but as hearers have incresed in numbers over the past 31 years they've grown to become Nordens largest faction.
Political, Faction / Party

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