Mourir Family

The Mourir Family once rules over the Dordun Valley and did over the years a lot to develop the land to their profitable state. Due to dedication and hard work they made a name and a fortune for themselves. Most of the house members joined in the battles of the early days of the Splitter War assuming it was an easy chance to surpass their reputation as simple farmers and rise to greater glory. Yet in a series of unfortunate events most member of the house found a quick death.   This sudden decimation of the succession line left the question of ownership of the Dordun Valley in question. Spurred on by the animosities all throughout the country multiple nobles claimed to have indeed found the rightful heir to the Mourir Family in their family. The Dordun Valley became an hotspot for the early armed conflicts and schemes that came to defined the Splitter War.   The the attention of the war has shifted, the clamancy has not been resolved in the last 100 years. Currently the leader of the Basket Bastion appeared all of the sudden the the reightful heir to the familiy title. Yet his claim is violently opposed by the occupying forces of the Meldors Company.


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