Splitter War

The Splitter war is raging for over a hundered years, involving the majority of Albrien as well as the southern part of Etrokien. The war is notoriously chaotic with shifting alliances as well as shifting border on a monthly basis. Over time the war is fought with more or less intensity - yet never does a faction emerge as superior enough to establish a peace in the conflict.  

The Dispute about an Apple Tree

While the political and economic reasons leading into the war are complicated - the inciting incident was a border dispute involving an apple tree.   Said apple tree was located at the border of the Barony of Comtéduval reigned by Baron Asrian La Figorn and Barony Basten Hills reigned by Baron Jevall Bilgorai. Both where young Barons with a promising futures. Both were the sons of influential Dukes born into influential Dynasties. Both had something to proof when the got into an petty argument about who had a right to the apples from a single apple tree on their border.   It was decided that the dispute should be resolved with a Mustering. An time honored Albrien tradition to settle disagreements between nobles in a peaceful manner. It basically amounted to both parties marching onto the location of the offense with a big and impressive show of force as they could muster. Both parties would face each other off and make some noise, until one faction admits they have less forces to show, resign his claims towards the other and step away without loosing face.This admittedly ridiculous theater would usually involve tens or hundreds of people. This time over 10.000 people should take part.   Albrien was in a precarious position. It had know peace for some generations and was at the tail end of a economic boom. The reigning King Jasper IVwas weak figure. Plague by illness he was bed ridden for most of his life and had to delegate most of the state affairs to the nobles in the land. The nobles in turn became greedy and developed aspirations to claim the crown. Both dynasties of the inciting Barons were in a good position to make a move for the crown. So while the official reason of the Mustering might have concerned a apple tree - the nobles of Albrien saw it as an prelude to an upcoming dispute for the crown. Most in nobles saw a chance to align them self with the next King and climb up in the hirachy. Therefore nobody held back in sending support. So the masses assembled on two hills next to offending apple tree. The bizarre spectacle of a -still peaceful- show off force took it's course.   Then an arrow was fired. That arrow struck on of the Barons in the head. He died in an instant. It is heavily disputed which Baron was actually shot down and which side fired the arrow. Both sides accuse the other one with credible evidence. None of the Baronsshould survive to verify one version of the story. Things escalated rapidly.   Within seconds the charade turned real and both sides engaged each other in combat. Neither side were properly prepared to fight. Most notable guests were wearing parade armor and embellished weaponry, not made for actual combat. set the The lack of of any organized heraldy only added to the overall confusion. It is estimated that more people died in the chaos of the battle then actually by enemy blade. But regardless of cause - a lot died. Alot of them nobles tight to every notable house in the kingdom - some of them even the head or the heir of those noble houses. The sudden power vacuum should establish a pattern of shifting allegiances that defines the war to this day.   Based on the horrific events the Dynasties of the La Figorn and the Bilgorai declared war on each other - each claiming to seek justice for the atrocities the other side had committed. With allegiances already established the whole country found itself at war with each other in a matter of days. The weak King unable to put up the strength to stop the disaster.   The inciting apple tree was severely damaged in the battle. It died off the next year. It is today at the center of the Deadlands.  

Birth of the Deadlands

The first weeks of the war were relative calm. Some minor skirmishes were carried out by people finally having a way to sort out old grievances. But most people on both sides assumed that the other would soon see the errors in their ways and sue for a quick peace.   This should change based on a rumor that spread like a wildfire. Miners found a new vein of Ithrium. Deep southwest in the Griffin Mountains.   Ithrium is an elusive metal that is extremely valuable. It was to this point exclusively found under the Keep Monlac and under control of the King of Albrien. In fact the distribution of the the mined Ithrium was the main source of power the King held over it's vassals. The export of Ithrium into other countries was the main pillar of the economy of Albrien.   News that their might be potentially a second source of those very foundation of power awoke desires. Just like in the inciting conflict the rather cold conflict turned hot almost in an instant. Armies were raised all over the country and send southwest. Alliances were suddenly null and void as everyone raised to control for power. The blood shed was immeasurable. The corpses piled up. Battlefield should scar the once fertile land forever.   The rumors turned out to be false. There was no Ithrium to be found.   While the armies left again to fight else were, the dead remained. Many of them unhurried and just left to rot in the open. It is unclear how - but many of the corpses began to rise from the dead as mindless Undead. Since then this initial battlefields remains a festering wound in the country, haunted by the Undead and with time only growing in size and severity.

Death of Hope

The weak King Jasper IV reaming unable to bring his country back under his control. With his sickness only worsening there was no chance of him rising up to the challenge. And as the war reached it's 10 year anniversary, the sons of the King took over the initiative.   In a huge diplomatic effort a truce was negotiated. Under enormous concessions all involved parties were loaded to a banquet to the Keep Monlac in order to negotiate a peace. The talks went initially good. A peace treate took slowly form. One that would not only end the war, but also reform the position of the crown and lead to a unrepresented distribution of power among the people of Albrien.   Jet fate it seems was insistent on war. So yet another strategy struck.   Assassins attacked the banquet. It is unclear to this day by whom they were send and who they meant to benefit. What is clear is that the chaos in Albrien reached a new pinnacle. Some nobles were dead - but not enough to further fracture the factions. The king was dead. All his sons were dead. And so the grandson King Charles VII to over the crown - at the ripe age of 9.   The new King should henceforth begin to totally isolate himself from the politics of his own country. Up to his death he not once left the Island of Keep Monlac or did by any other mean communicate on the matters of his land. His son and heir King Charles VIII that took over the crown some years ago with out - anybody in the country actually being informed - seem to continue this policy.   With this the focus of the war shifted once again and would defined it to this day. The King made himself obsolete. Somebody would take over the crown - just nobody seemed to agree who. There was now a price to be won by winning the Splitter War. The title of King of Albrien.   While many have come close to decide the conflict in their favor - nobody could emerge the victor.

Modern Warfare

The war is today fought for over 100 years - yet it is rarely fought by armies. Soldiers of the general populace are irregularly conscripted. Usually only for the "Highlights" of the war - when once faction tries to make it's final move to bring down an enemy and other factions try to interfere.   Most fighting is carried out by mercenaries. Countless mercenary companies have sprung up over the years. Some of them offer specific services. Need to have a town raided to cripple the economy of your rival? There is a company for that. Need to protect your farmer from being harassed by raiding mercenaries? There is a company for that. Need to capture a caravan of enemy supplies? Sure. In the Hills, the Mountains, the Forest or on the River? There is a specialized troop for this. Need to protect your border but you are on a budget? No problem. Need to protect your trade routes and money is no problem? There is a company for that.   Most aspect of "day to day" warfare - as well as the prevention of such is nowadays done by mercenaries. Some of them have long term contracts and a aligned with certain factions or houses. But just as allegiances in this war sway with the wind - so can an influx of cash sway the military power.  

Current Situation



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