Halia Thornton Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Halia Thornton

A striking young woman with piercing eyes runs the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. Most of the wealth in Phandalin goes through her exchange at one point or another. Halia is a member of the Zhentarim looking to embed its influence in the burgeoning town of Phandalin.   Known only to Garret, Halia asked him to assassinate Iarno Albrek after he was arrested by the party. He later confessed to the party that when was unable to perform this task, he instead stole the key to Iarno's cell and gave it to Halia. The next morning Harbin was found dead in his cell and Iarno was gone. The party is suspicious of Halia, but she has performed no provable wrongs and is in good standing among the townsfolk.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1375 DR 26 Years old
Aligned Organization