Phandalin Settlement in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil


The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were firmly allied with the dwarves and gnomes of the Phandelver's Pact. However, the same orc horde that sacked the mines at Wave Echo Cave laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries. In recent years, hardy settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin.   A bustling frontier settlement has grown up on the site of the old town, and is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains.However, after Gundren Rockseeker rediscovered the Forge of Spells in Wave Echo Cave, the town started to attract more investors and interest from these cities and is on its way to restoring its former glory.  

Points of Interest


Barthen's Provisions

Barthen's is the biggest trading post in Phandalin. Its shelves stock most ordinary goods and supplies, including backpacks, bedrolls, rope, and rations. The place is open from sunup to sundown. Barthen's does not stock weapons or armor, but people can purchase other adventuring gear here, with the exception of items that cost more than 25 gold. The proprietor is Elmar Barthen, a lean and balding human male shopkeeper of fifty years with a kindly manner. He employs a clerk, Thistle Underfoot, who helps load and unload wagons, and who waits on customers when Barthen isn't around.  

Edermath Orchard

An apple orchard run by the former adventurer Daran Edermath. Its apples are by far the best in the region and people are starting to take notice.  

Lionshield Coster

Run by a local, Linene Graywind, this building is owned by the Lionshields, a merchant company based in the city of Yartar, over a hundred miles to the east. They ship finished goods to Phandalin and other small settlements throughout the region.  

Phandalin Miner's Exchange

The Miner's Exchange is a trading post where local miners have their valuable finds weighed, measured, and paid out. In the absence of any local lord or authority, the exchange also serves as an unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around the area. There isn't any real gold rush in Phandalin, but enough wealth is hidden in the nearby streams and valleys to support a good number of independent prospectors. The guildmaster is an ambitious and calculating human woman named Halia Thornton.  

Shrine of Luck

Phandalin's only temple is a small shrine made of stones taken from the nearby ruins. It is dedicated to Tymora, goddess of luck and good fortune. The shrine is in the care of a scholarly acolyte named Sister Garaele.  

The Sleeping Giant

This rundown tap house is a dirty, dangerous watering hole at the end of Phandalin's main street. Previously a meeting place for the Redbrands, it has since been cleared out and closed until further notice.  

Stonehill Inn

In the center of town stands a large, newly built roadhouse of fieldstone and rough-hewn timbers. This modest inn has six rooms for rent. The proprietor is a short, friendly young human male named Toblen Stonehill.  

Tresendar Manor

More a castle than a house, Tresendar Manor stands at the east edge of town on a low hillside amid woods and thickets. The ancient manor had long been abandoned, but its cellars were converted into a Redbrand stronghold. After they were defeated and run out of town, Tresendar Manor was an empty ruin once again. With the influx of new wealth and people following the discovery of the Forge of Spells, the townsfolk are considering rebuilding the manor.


Mostly a mix of dwarves, half-elves, and humans


Run by an elected Townmaster

Industry & Trade

Phandalin was founded as a mining town that was very successful before it was assaulted by orcs in 901 DR. Since its resettlement, it has been steadily growing as a mining town extracting gems and metals from the nearby mountains. When Gundren Rockseeker rediscovered the Forge of Spells in Wave Echo Cave news spread and attracted more miners and investors. Phandalin strives to become a thriving mining community once more.

Natural Resources

Surrounded by plentiful mines and the Forge of Spells


  • Phandalin